Yup. They’ll continue using the anti-union SOP disinformation and scare tactics to undermine the union vote, because ‘unions are bad.’
Yup. They’ll continue using the anti-union SOP disinformation and scare tactics to undermine the union vote, because ‘unions are bad.’
“We think a direct dialogue between company and employees is the most productive route.”
That response is boilerplate nonsense. The company is always the one slowing down negotiations and the CBA is always dated to the start of negotiations.
“We think a direct dialogue between company and employees is the most productive route.
This is really good news. It's bullshit to try and and pull in unrelated departments to try and lump them all into a single union vote because the groups will definitely have different needs and wants and need their own distinct, separate unions. All of game development staff should unionize, but should all be in…
I’ll have a second comment about this post but since there’s no other good place to talk about this I’ll do it here:
LOVE IT! Fingers crossed we’ll see unionization accelerate across the entire industry over the next 5-10 years.
the cynic in me says this sort of stuff happening in a very short space of time, in public, on monetised streams, just reads like invented drama.
“Covering tracks” is probably the wrong term.
It’s more like a sudden turn of face from “You dumb ****” and such then once openly confronted, “Oh I didn’t realize how bad I was, I’m sorry, I promise to change.” It’s a control thing. This seems fast but I’m inclined to believe her, considering the abuse involved.
I think it’s important to consider that returning the accounts isn’t necessarily fully giving in and giving up.
5. public exposure of his abuse resulted in him going into panic defense mode
Having personally witness the kind of abuse she’s describing, I would say this sort of turnaround isn’t uncommon. An abused person in a relationship often wants everything to just course correct and become normal, and when the abuser promises all sorts of things, the victim will grab onto those promises like a life…
It’s a little odd but one thing that’s a common trend with these kind of abusers is they’ll act very quickly to cover their tracks. They’ll put on their nice face and make amends and say they’ll get help when they’re caught. And sometimes they do... and sometimes it’s just a ploy to keep their victim from actually…
I don’t know much about the situation, but given that he just got outed as an abuser in headlines around the world, of course he’d give her back control of everything. There are a lot of eyes on him.
To be silent is to be complicit in her own undervaluing. Will some jags label her difficult? Yep, and she won’t work with those difficult jags saving herself future headaches. There will also be people who admire her taking a stand and demanding to be paid what she is worth and will want to work with somebody with…
And that’s why you should just cut your loses, decide to never work with them again and walk away without stirring the drama pot
VAs are increasingly talking about the shit pay they get, I think it’s good for her to continue to add to the conversation.
corporate malfeseance should always be called out. this isnt “stirring the drama pot”, its about workers’ rights!
If you had fun, your time wasn’t wasted - fun is the point of your expended time. HG can’t rewrite your past and turn your past fun into not-fun, only you can do that to yourself.
The whole TL;DR version is with the old inventory it was possible to make o.p. builds, under the new way it eliminated those o.p. builds