Char Aznable

I said the same thing until Elden Ring. I was pretty scared at first, taking every encounter slowly and methodically, running away at the slightest hint of danger just like I did in Dark Souls 3. But that’s when I figured something out. This game lets you engage with it pretty much without limits, save your ability.

If I’m going to manage my wealth, I’d like it to be done in a way that’s clearly explained. Not sure what your problem is with people being educated in something and offering that education in their literal, actual role at the company.

While you’re not incorrect, that many words packaged with a lesson for what amounted to using the wrong word is a little much, don’t you think? Especially when you say “that’s just the way it is” at the end. Sounds condescending. Not sure if you meant it that way, but I don’t think bfishy is ignorant to the concept.

Completely different skill sets. Couldn’t hurt to improve the graphics, but that flowchart mess for the stable is pain incarnate.

Agreed. Of the anime I tried to watch and chose not to last year, two stand out as having begun with the sister confessing her love for her brother, or it appearing that way. I immediately turned them off. Weirds me out people want to watch entire shows based around that conceit. Combine that with the stories about

For what it’s worth, Recovery of an MMO Junkie’s anime director Yaginuma Kazuyoshi is the problematic one, and he was contracted by the studio to direct the series. I’ve never heard anything untoward about mangaka Kokuyo Rin.

Really not feeling this tier list, time to make my own and argue mine’s more correct.

I mean, I don’t hate it. It’s not amazing, but I can imagine it was made to be tongue-in-cheek. Nothing wrong with that.

Not sure how I feel about the game in the absence of any actual gameplay, but I like the trailer for what it is. I still miss Saints Row 2 and its aesthetic, personally--but I also liked 3, even if the proportions went a little wild and the world started to feel less meaningful.

Nothing about my RP is enhanced by the lack of an AFK timer. In fact, everything about it is improved, because more people I know can get online more easily, and if one of us disconnects or we decide to do content, the servers aren’t constantly wheezing under the load of five hundred AFK people.

It looks like potato mode War Thunder. 

Bruh. I remember sitting on the couch, beating this game for the first time with my girlfriend beside me on the couch. We fucking jammed to it. It got added to every driving and chilling out playlist we had. Years later we still put it on for the hell of it. Naw. 

Love the chud in your replies suggesting scenario writers are gormless rubes who only think in action movie stereotypes (which are definitely not political, no way).

Well, I can at least count myself along the lucky ones for once in a lifetime. Though no, I doubt Nvidia had any part in the delay. If a 3080 can do it better, the 2080 Ti and Super should be able to play it just fine on higher settings so I doubt they cared.

“Don’t like the narrative something is pushing? Ignore it and let it be pushed.”

A bit! The driving felt really weighty and I liked the crashes despite all of the glitches.

Now I know I’m going to be somewhat of an outlier here but I never really fancied the crashes in any Burnout games after the first one, but that one always got to me because I didn’t like the timer.

I can’t think of anything to say but ‘good.’ That's indefensible behavior. I understand that he feels enabled to do so by the support of his audience and like-minded people, but that's crossing a line, plain and simple. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm on EA's side here. 

As a resident of West Linn, this doesn’t really surprise me. Enough to make you feel like your vote doesn’t matter, sometimes. You vote and you vote and you still end up with pieces of shit like this somewhere in the system. POC representation is still a crapshoot here in PDX. Time to change that.
