Counterpoint: not every leader is the kind who wants to resolve a problem. Sometimes, the leader is so-and-so’s friend and won’t appreciate it. Sometimes, the leader *is* the problem. There are times when communication has already failed, and we have to look out for ourselves. The person we’re having trouble with…
No, no, no. Nooooo. No-no-no-no-no-no-no. Not even a little bit. Nope, nuh-uh. Disagree. Character creation is one of my favorite parts of any game that allows it, and if the function is half-assed or I half-ass it, I will absolutely not get the full experience from my game.
How about dash buttons where the paint doesn’t peel away?
This article confuses me. I’m not sure why it exists, or who it was aimed at. Like someone said above, it feels like they decided to sit down and smash out a page or two of giggle-snorting at the lamest hentai they could find on a quick google image search. It wasn’t aimed at people who make this, because there was no…
Until they offer something kind of like FFXIV’s Heaven on High / Palace of the Dead, I fear they may be facing an uphill battle. Without a sort of randomized content place to spend some time, I feel like I’ve seen everything the game can offer and I just put it down between content releases.
I will basically never get to the top of that tower. I never even got to the top of the one in Kugane, I had to have someone keep ‘WHM teleporting’ me up there while I blew myself up with BLU.
And the LA Times. Also top story on BBC and CNN that morning, if I recall correctly while I was looking. Hell, there’s even a story on Al Jazeera.
Ah, what a callback. I love this song, been a long time since I gave it a good listen.
For people who have high-level friends in the game already, or have made one during their early time in the game: any required dungeons up to the end of Stormblood can now be done in an undersized party. Any of the dungeons up to lv60 can be easily smashed solo by a Lv80 anything, and undersized completes count for…
You probably don’t want to know how many I got to 80 already, then...
Did you check your journal after defeating the final trial, Heather?
Holminster Switch might actually be my favorite dungeon in the whole game, behind one I can’t mention without giving away megaspoilers.
I keep getting commendations as a SAM and it’s weirding me out.
Nooo, don’t remind me. XD
I feel like 1.6 eventually made you open Steam, but now I can’t remember...
You did for Counter-Strike: Source. That’s what finally got me opening steam all the time after HL2 made me install it. I still never really enjoyed it and I’ve never had the attachment to Steam that some people seem to. It’s just a program.
It sounds fine, normally. But for some classes it plays their combat yells more often and 5 is so grating when you hear her shouting over and over.
Certain classes have those sounds play more often. On one run I heard the girl who had it make that noise every 2-3 seconds for the entire 10 minutes I was in there. It was soul-draining.