Intense Beige

Oh my god, that straight-faced, "What did I learn about myself? Nothing!" killed me.

Likewise. I know my mom has the scar, and I remember asking her about it when I was little; but I do not have one.


I lose it every time Senor Drool Cup suddenly appears to give Coop his condolences RE: Maddie.

Yes, that was definitely Pretty Liz's Niece Denise.

I'm up here balloonin my ass off!

Oh man, I love that entire exchange. Favorite sitcom of all time.

For years I thought your name was Bonnie. Now I know it's Loni. Here's your thesaurus.


Like Custer, we will make a stand!

Benedict Arnold slept with George Washington!

Planbee. What an unusual name. Is it Chinese?

Come back, Lisa! You little love killer. Come back, Lisa, Lisa Miller!

Best sandwiches in the city. They're an acquired taste, but like wine and cheese, a good sandwich needs to be aged properly. In the olden days, a pheasant would be aged for weeks before it was suitable for consumption.

I always like to clarify that I should be classified as "cute," because I'm pretty but short and hyperactive.

It's virtually bursting with adequataquicisim.

Say, do you know, does Bob Dole cook?

"I’m Bloodline, and I want to shoot down everything you say so I feel good about myself!”

deixe-me em pas, monstra da sopa!

O que e esto?