Intense Beige

I want what I want, Jane!

Alex krumping and going on the pills n powders fast with Avi's crew are two of my favorite things ever.

I really need a large bucket of all-purpose House Glitter.

Caviar, Myanmar.

I love the theme song, and I love that it's in my head, and I love that I can't get it out of my head. Because FEEmales are strong as hell…dammit.

Why is my DVR filled with episodes of The View and The Good Wife?

[Book SPOILER] I thought Ali was giving shades of Courtney when she couldn't remember where the guidance counselor's office was and embraced the twins on her return (Wasn't that also in the books? I stopped reading them after a certain point.).[end Book SPOILER]

Ah, thanks - it makes more sense that Spencer was being distracted by Toby in their truck baby (did truck baby also 'splode?).

You say that like Ashley Marin isn't the best thing ever.

Is that what's going on with Spencer/Troian's look lately? A wig? I was fearing botox or some such nonsense, because girlfriend's face has looked a little different in the last few episodes.

I always thought the too much hot mess was the entire appeal.

Those were some disturbing chin pubes, huh?

Jenna creepily playing the flute on her front porch and Hanna slapping the glasses off her face in the bathroom are hands-down my favorite moments of this show.

Considering Lucas was acting sketch as hell (who thought his "girlfriend" was going to turn out to be Caleb?), I thought it was pretty clear that they were intentionally being separated from Ali. But then does that mean that Mama Hastings is part of Mona's army? Or was it just a coincidence that she was distracting

Should be the official Town Song of Rosewood.

Franky, it doesn't matter to me what their plan is as long as Jenna and her non-seeing eyeballs are back to stay for awhile.

Disaster Brandon's ability to play Clair de Lune was literally the only thing I liked about him.

Aria already has the wardrobe for it.

Her only regret was that she had…boneitis!

I loved what we could see of the quilted yellow coat she was putting on over the Audrey Hepburn funeral attire.