
I wish we could see more about how bending was used to bring about the modern age. Mako going to work in a factory, shooting lightning at a giant reactor was pretty awesome to see. A team of earth benders, building-bending the city into existence would be awesome. Water benders bending canals into existence. Fire

This movie is so damn cheesy and I love it for that fact. It was the Fifth Element for the modern age.

Malcolm is a more layered hero because he had 13 episodes of a tv show to help establish his character. Comparing Serenity, a companion movie to a tv show, to a stand alone movie isn't very fair.

Felix made the most sense to me; Mrs. S flees with two kids in tow, one the product of an in depth cloning experiment and the other is? …also the product of an in depth cloning experiment. I'm not sure if Jordan Gavaris would have been up to the task, but I would have loved to have seen him try.

My problem with Courtney is that she sailed through the competition on her yacht. True, she was never the worst. Nor the second worst. She earned her way to the final three.

Season 4 had such great queens. Between the sheer talent of Willam, Latrice, Chad, and Sharon, coupled with the unintentional hilarity of queens like Jiggly and Madame LaQueer…it was an all star season. The lip syncs were no joke either. Dida Ritz gave the hands down best lip sync of the show and Milan swiffered

I could do with some more Jiggly Caliente. She had some solid moments, most of which were unintentional, but entertainment is entertainment. She tried hard and I'd like to check in to see how she's grown since her season.

Alexis was the proto-Alyssa Edwards for me. There was a lot of unintentional humor that I loved. I wish she had owned her hammy nature a bit more and not been so defensive. She went home at the right time.

She looks like Rango's girlfriend from the movie, Rango.

It flat out didn't make sense. The Oliver that she's known has not always been a good guy; he'd been a self-centered cheater up until his return from the island. Had she prefaced that with, "since you've been back" it would have made sense, but since it didn't, it just sounded like bull.

Those two are so similar, both young, unseasoned but clearly charming, quick-witted and packed with "it". Both relied heavily on help from others. Lucky for Adore, she has Bianca in her corner instead of Alexis.

I mean, I agree with the criticism, but if not Adore, than who? Nobody is really bringing the Eleganza this season.

The show needs Brendanowiczes and Annes to help keep it grounded in reality. I think the show needed, instead of a Craig, a regular person who will say "How come Tom gets to leave his job in the middle of the day to go work on private projects? April's unprofessional attitude is horrible…file a complaint and get her

I wish we could trade Tom for Anne. The fact that he is still technically a City employee, collecting a paycheck, while spending his days pursuing private business ventures is pretty terrible. It seems like a pedantic thing to argue about, but the show used to draw humor from realism and it could use a bit more of

I'd like to see them pursue a Mindy/Peter pairing, but I think he's a more valuable asset to the show leaving him as her friend. They've tried to set up a lot of people as Mindy's friend and none of them have stuck. Peter's their best shot. She's had fantastic chemistry with a lot of romantic counterparts so that's

It's odd how much shame I feel for having missed that.

This show needs 32% more Tinnifer.

His act plays like really solid improv. The scene where he was trying out for the role of sommelier? That would have received uproarious laughter in a club. It would have been a mediocre SNL skit and here, on a scripted show, it just felt hammy. Scripted tv calls for a little more subtlety.

I think the show may agree with you. At this point, we're wired to see Rachel make mistakes and be slapped down for them, but that doesn't mean that's the direction the show will take each and every time.

She's been around the block for a minute and her face is part of how people recognize her. I can see why she would be reluctant to change that.