
I enjoy it when manipulative people, who are used to getting their way, don't. She tried to manipulate the audience with all of the tears and histrionics after the message from her parents, she tried to manipulate Adore into supporting her with her, "I don't remember what you said, but you offended me" and hell, she

I'm happy they're trying to hit 30 Rock's JPM (jokes per minute) and I don't think I'll ever tire of Mindy Lahiri fat jokes. Between the chip bag, the cookie tray, the return to the cookie tray, the broken chair….they're really draining that well fast.

30 Rock's is fantastic as is Scrub's.

I hope they have the restraint to slow it down a bit and give it some 5th Element levity. 2+ hours of laser beams might be a bit much…

His normal tone is practically pleasant. They keep having him go for this near falsetto, maybe to establish him as some form of male 'diva', but in the end it just makes him seem hugely inferior vocally to the rest of the crew. He hasn't had a song as strong as Rose's Turn yet.

Come ON with the death of the Santana-Rachel Funny Girl plot line already. Have some commitment, Glee. Stick with a plot line…give it a real progression and resolution beyond, "I changed my mind".

Hey now, Tina yelled at Mike because she DIDN'T want to eat a salad largely comprised of chicken feet. Clearly that's enough progress for Ryan Murphy.

He has a time share in Muncy…

My favorite moment was tiny and easily missed. Marley dancing during Happy was f'ing perfect. Everyone was trying to dance in an attractive way and she looked like gollum on quaaludes. She had the gangly awkwardness of an actual teenager. It was both hilarious and real at the same time.

I gave up on Homeland after the season three still had the damn Brody family.

This episode really summed up why the new New Directions never worked: the show never gave them the breathing room to establish themselves. The show keeps trotting out it's original characters, i.e. during the musical-here come Mike Chang and Mercedes, turning around corners in slow motion as majestic music

I hope she moves to Chicago and takes Andy, April, Ben and Tom with her. Let's be honest, Tom's hopes and dreams lie in a more civilized environment and April is capable enough to thrive in Lesley's new office. The show spends the majority of time with them, with flashes of Jerry, Donna and Ron back in a rapidly

I love how it was essentially a re-tread of the Hunger Deans from last year, but one in which the characters motivations actually made sense and there was actual social commentary attached to what was transpiring. Also jokes. Welcome back Dan Harmon. I'd give you all of the the Meowmeowbeenz, but something tells me

We didn't see Tyler bite Nadia, did we? Something tells me Nadia was never bit, but is testing her mother's care for her. Very manipulative, no? Like mother like daughter…

I like the idea of Rachel competing with an ambitious under-study. I just wish it wasn't Santana as that treads old ground.

Coach is largely useless as a character, but if they are committed to keeping the other characters busy with other plot lines consistently, at least Coach provides a comedic sounding board for Winny. Hell, I'd watch an episode of just them baking cakes and discussing the tanginess of cream based soups.

I'm fine with Jess as is; she's a confident woman, fully assured of who she is and what she's doing. Once you're at that point, there isn't anywhere you can really evolve to. Schmidt is much the same; he's confident in who and what he is.

I don't think the downfall of the show can be attributed to the focus being on Leslie and Ben; I think it's the loss of the show's optimistic view of Leslie's tireless efforts. Lately she's made a lot of mis-steps: preserving a pornographic store, trying to waste tax payer's money on mini golf, most recently, killing

All I can hope for is that when Katherine as Elena finds out from Caroline that she slept with Klaus, Elena kicks Katherine out of their body, slaps the crap out of Caroline who then runs to Stefan for comfort. Elena then realizes she's made a mistake; she's loved Stefan all along, but he tells her it's too late.

She's a grown single woman…that slept with a mass murderer who has killed her friends and her family. Imagine someone shot your best friend and then you slept with them. That's F'd up, no? Or is that okay…because you're a grown man?