
I haven't tried Flaked, but Love is an infinitely better show with a more even tone. Friends From College ping pongs back and forth from dark drama to slapstick in such an unfortunate manner.

You're paying for labor, not just ingredients. Trying to cook smaller dishes just as well as the standard size is technically a more difficult job and takes almost as long. To make a 'half portion' a viable option, the restaurant would still need to charge about 15$ for that 18$ dish.

I remember Aja for her epic lip syncs. Girl can slay a stage and she's one of the few I left the season wanting to see live.

The 'cape' shows end up with 8-16 episodes of filler due to their lengthy seasons. I'll take a solid, but short season of iZombie over a long, mediocre one.

I'm going to have to rewatch every episode of this. I'm enjoying it, but I've found it hard to stay awake and fully attentive towards the back end of both episodes. After the quip-y bombast of The Magicians which I watch prior, this mysterious, quiet show is so hard to follow.

They'll have their own, sadly on Freeform, in the near future. That IS owned by ABC, so who knows. Maybe a cross over is in the future. Of course, that relies on Shield actually getting renewed for another season.

She knows what she did.

They delayed filming to ensure that they had the plot nailed, start to finish, before they started shooting. I have hope.

That three episode stint where they took on Brick, that could have been a season.

Jujubee was embarrassed, she wasn't an entitled brat. She knew she'd messed up. Alaska may have been embarrassed, but she was also embarrassing. There's a big difference. It was a moment of weakness. I don't hate her for it, but it was ugly.

Throughout the show, almost every queen has at one point been up for elimination and not a single one has been that big of a mess. I'm not saying she deserves hate and snake icons, but she showed her ass to the world, and not like Detox. It wasn't a good look.

Everything was performative with her, even her talking head segments. That can be a lot of fun, but in the context of a show like this, the facade has to come down and you have to show some vulnerability. The only time she did was towards the end with her blow-out. She's gave us solid UNT, but left the C from

Her deep-fried chicken prostitute that was 'crystallized into a glamazon' is my favorite part of that season.

She still had that epic tantrum. It's not like they fabricated it. The show may have planned on not airing it in an effort to craft a 'story' that sells her as the winner, but I'm not going to call it a smear campaign when she was the one that had the tantrum.

She can definitely help it. She can say, "it's my time". Each week, she keeps saying to the winners, "I was bad, but I wasn't the worst". She's fighting, however lamely, to stay. I don't begrudge her that, but staying and continually failing isn't good for business.

Well you're unfortunately right. I don't know where I heard Netflix was going 'full Hulu' with the CW. That's a disappointment.

They're going to be on Netflix the day after they air on TV.

I saw an adaption with Nick Offerman in the role. It was fantastic.

Or hell, at least Roy. They really should have an S.O.S. email chain.

It had much Ruth, but now she's preaching some other jargon.