
Um no. I have two very close friends who both lost their mothers at a young age. They have managed without being complete ass wipes. Fuck the excuses.

You don’t know what has happened to her through her life. And that’s kind of the point. It doesn’t matter, not for her, not for Tequila. No on has any justification to Stan for Hitler.

It can be both.

Well, they call it a March for Life but it’s more of a March for Oppression of Others. Kinda like how “pro-life” is being rebranded as “pro-science.”

That smirk would look great on my knuckles. 

Thank you for your response and thank you for correcting me that the beliefs are perversions of religious texts. You’re absolutely right that I need to make more of an effort to explain it my peers who are white. I’ve been able to make some progress with people I’ve met in college and I’ll do my best to continue to do

I wish they would post this in the main piece. He’s lovely.

It’s amazing that there’s already backlash to the backlash of this. “He’s just a kid! Who among you didn’t do something stupid as a teenager?”

Trump's racism breeds more racism. Racists feel more comfortable being openly racist. Voting matters. 

I just wrote my letter to their principal and recommend everyone else do the same.

Also a bunch of people chanting “Build the wall” to native Americans...sounds like the school isn’t really teaching basic reasoning skills. 

And for anybody about to ask?   This is why racism doesn’t just “die out”.  It’s not that simple.

But clearly, the intersectionality of feminist work at a nationally visible level demands different considerations.

It's significant that in previous years Tamika embraced Farrakhan the man, but explained that she did not agree with all he said.  This year something has changed.  This year Tamika clearly tells us that she does agree with Farrakhan, without reservation, although she might choose different words, expressing their

I said marriage precludes“ ‘absolute’ guilt by association” because the person you marry may turn out to be different than what you expected (most ppl don’t marry someone they think is going to cheat on them by harassing other women). And, the part you ignored, Hillary was still challenged for her husbands actions and

Farrakhan should have been cancelled when his “time” passed, much like Cornel West. The way to victory isn’t to keep fighting invisible enemies.

When you’re a black Muslim in a white Christian nation, you’re going to be a target. Speak to that. The dude could still be relevant and not problematic if he did that. Don’t

The current leadership, but in particular Mallory and Sarsour, have to go. They are toxic, and if they had any self-awareness and if they actually cared for the movement and not just their own egos and personal celebrity, they would step aside. These women are far too radical and intransigent to lead a movement that

A certain privilege comes when you are married to someone, that in turn absolves you of having absolute guilt by association. Furthermore, Hillary DID face accusations of hypocrisy (mostly from the right) off of Bill’s actions.

You know what...this is impressive ass shaking but I have to ask...why can’t we women take over the world?? Because..THIS SHIT. We have brains too, not just tits and ass.

“Hey, Trump why don’t you recite your SOTU address into a bottle and then throw that shit into the Anacostia.”