
If he's innocent, why would he need to show remorse? 

If you think that people having negative opinions about someone helps to kickstart their career, you may not know how careers work. Either way though, you seem like you’d be really fun at parties.

Ironically, this unapologetic behavior is what made him popular in the first place, so maybe that’s why he’s doubling down on it? I’ve always been kind of turned off by comedians whose whole thing is to be a giant asshole. Louis CK has always been that kind of comedian, and in retrospect, it kind of seems he was

Personally, if I had to choose between spending time with a mentally disabled non gender binary school shooting survivor or Louie CK, Louis CK is going to get a no-call no-show.

I would say it just shows how so many of these depraved d-bags that get caught being depraved, lack any integrity. So much so that, instead of trying to be better people or looking inward, they move towards the other end of the aisle where toxic hyper-masculinity and entitlement prevail (as well as cruel, “punching

The deceased made them invite him. Right now I’m admiring the long standing petty that was Barbra Bush.#hellnahhecantcome

I bet trump was dying to run up to the front of the room and stand in front of the coffin and loudly declare to everyone in the church that he won the election.

Honestly their friendship is a little adorable since they always sit next to each other at functions they attend, I just feel bad for the spouse who ends up having to sit next to trump.

This is not on par with the tan suit, man. That was one of the least intelligent, most idiotic fucking gripes the GOP made during the Obama administration. Especially since St Reagan wore one too.

I always want to call him a pussy, but then I remember that most pussies are way, way stronger than that man.

Thing is, there is only one accuser. The other two are incidents people found creepy where nothing actually occurred. In one he said something creepy, in another he apparently groped a shoulder in a way someone found kinda creepy.

No, I wouldn’t, and that mentality is not helpful in the slightest.

The word wasn’t out. The rumor was. Unless y’all were personally involved or there is hard evidence, I really don’t think it’s anybody's right to comment. And that is for your protection as well, because if you've never had a wild accusation thrown at you for somebody else's gain, it is hell. I wouldn't wish that on

What would you have them do, then? They got more eyeballs on the situation - they weren’t exactly asking for applause for putting in a minimum effort. Even if it was just a learning moment for THEM ALONE, that is still some progress. 

They didn’t claim any such thing. They were proving to the ignorant white racists that weren’t listening to POC that those POC were right all along.

This type of comment is cancer. They never claimed to be discovering anything, nowhere did they ask for a cookie or ally medal. You’re projecting this onto them in bad faith.

It’s important for white people to visibly point out the hypocrisy and racism of policies like this to other white people. The whole fucking

To the other commenters, where did they act like they cured inequality? They proved a point and people, like local news, took notice. That’s like step #1 of deconstructing white supremacy - using your privilege to not only acknowledge it exists but also right the wrongs it produced.

I see this divergence around what’s

To the grays who are gonna pour in and claim that plus size and trans women aren’t a “fantasy”: the online porn industry knows you’re wrong. They also know what your search history looks like.

Funny how white people who only vote for white men say that coalitions of other voters are “identity politics” voters.