
Thanks for taking the time to write that long answer.

Newtown is the one. When 20 first graders in their classroom was sad, but not enough, there is nothing that will ever be enough. Little kids at school, most of them can’t even read, leaning the most basic things about life, and they had to learn the hardest one - death by gun is always waiting, and no one will do

My perspective is that if I’ve found myself in a situation in which I have to shoot my way out, I already done fucked up somewhere along the line.

What makes you think you ‘should’ own one to protect your family? Unless you live in one of a very few areas of the US your family is statistically FAR safer with no firearms in the house.

You sir tell a story like no other and gut punch racists all in one fell swoop. Keep it up.


Pretty sure more birds die every year flying into Trump’s stupid buildings than they do by way of all the windmills in the United States.

The fact that the Biden campaign was in serious conversations with Gretchen Whitmer last week shows just how concerned someone is with Harris, but you definitely can’t pick a white woman.

He didn’t wait any longer than past nominees. And in the course of waiting, look at all of the women who were elevated in the conversation: Bass, Whitmer, Abrams, Bottoms, Demings, Duckworth...

All the candidates, but one, were rejected by Black women and men. That doesn’t mean Black voters didn’t like Harris or Castro or Booker. Black people were simply pragmatic this election cycle and chose a candidate that they think White people would have no problem voting for. So far based on the polls, Black primary v

I’m already getting pissed at those fuckers. The purity test is a contributing factor to the Trump presidency. A lot of people are already pissing and moaning about her AG record, and I'm like, STFU and just vote blue unless you want another four years of Trump's bullshit.

As a black woman I am so happy to see Kamala on the ticket with Biden. I really wanted her for AG because she would make so many people cry but I spoke to another black woman right after she was announced and that woman was ready to go vote for Kamala today as well.  So choosing Kamala just got Biden 98% of the Black

“it should’ve been Warren.”

I’ve seen folks—including some on this thread—who complained about Harris during the primaries because of her record as a prosecutor. Most of the people who dislike her seem to be dudes.

The VP polls didn’t support this take. Harris led Abrams and Warren, the other poll leader, by quite a margin among black voters.

I mean, she was a cop (okay, District/Attorney General), but I wager that’s one reason why she was selected. Police Brutality is prooooobably going to be a hot button issue going forward, and Kamala can (theoretically) appeal to both the BLM movement because she has spoken out in favor of police reform, while saying

He announced shortly before the convention, as is traditional for both parties.

wouldnt mind, id love to see her cop-voice trump. He gets flustered when women hit back, and she is tough enough to shove his bloated, geriatric, “standing like the penguin” carcass right back down in its seat.

My worries about Ms Harris’s past (political, only!) actually have encouraged me to think that she may be able to push a far more progressive program that would otherwise be possible. President Obama, infuriatingly, rarely did anything but seek a compromise, which would have been admirable except that he was dealing

I think they were trying to give Fixed News and the rest of the Republican Donor Network mouthpieces less time to roll with continuous attacks on Harris.