At least she could write it herself…
At least she could write it herself…
I would never condone punching a shitty teenager in the face.
She’ll go to work for Paris Dennard or Candace Owens. They’re both out of their minds and will make her feel right at home.
True confession:
But we couldn’t very well say that Sexual Harassment disqualifies one from four years of the presidency when only six years earlier we had decided it didn’t disqualify you from a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court.
Because giving a pass to Clinton paved the way for Trump today. I get that we had to align ourselves with him to get progressive policies, but we’re paying the price now.
Also: “I could only think about how nice it must be to ignore discrimination, homophobia and racism until it affects you personally.”
I can’t get worked up over this because I never had any expectations, so I appreciate the thoughtfulness in her post. She laid out her case it out and hopefully moved some voters. She’s not claiming to be Alyssa Milano all the sudden, and the majority of Pop/R&B and Hip-Hop acts aren’t saying much about anything as…
Funniest shit I ever saw was some white talking head on Fox & Friends scolding Taylor Swift saying he always preferred Kanye. For real bitch? You probably can’t name any other hip hop artist in the history of the genre and if someone put a gun to your head and threatened to end your life unless you recited a whole…
It’s hard to get on someone who was never open or involved about political stuff. If she was I’d agree with about her complictness. Most of the other people named have long since being active, involved, or engaged with political commentary and discussion.
I’ve heard the “Well, R.Kelly was abused as a child” justifications over the years and, while I understand that he went through some rough times as a kid and I can sympathise with that, it absolutely does not give him any excuses as to him being a monster all of his adult life. Nope.
Kanye knows there’s an upside to black-bashing. Much like Tomi Lahren, Ann Coulter, Candace Owens, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Michelle Malkin etc., they know they will suffer some blowback but not enough to cripple their careers. The shameful thing about Kanye’s abuse of the black community is how it exposes our…
Kanye is a foot solider of the class war masquerading himself as a ‘free thinker’. Kanye is rich. There is nothing new or revolutionary about rich people advocating for conservative figures.
I bet Brett Kavanaugh is a horrible husband and father behind closed doors.
I hate to disappoint you, but I was married to a guy who would cry like this.
He’s a Republican. They’re always scared shitless.
That right there should’ve been the penultimate tip-off for anyone seeking empathy for this fuck-head and the publication that allowed for it. Completely ignoring the Haitian-Japanese nature of the woman playing, along with stature (taller, athletic - not jacked but not the waif drawn either) while the Serena image…
a 15 hour shift is rough. And it can absolutely affect one’s judgment and ability to perform complex tasks, such as medical procedures.
I’ve been in the Army. This is bullshit.
With regard to your 2nd paragraph: A 15 hour shift? In tons of industries, especially finance, 15 hour days and 80+ hour weeks are the norm for weeks or months on end. I don’t see any doctors rolling into their pads during residency popping a few rounds into black dudes.