
That is a very good question. I’m not comfortable dragging the kids of shitty people until they themselves have done something to deserve the dragging. You can’t choose your parents. Like Ivanka, Eric and Junior? Have a field day. Tiffany... eh, Barron? Nope.

tbf she’s just doing what is legally required to change her name - she’s not going public with this out of choice.

Has his daughter done something to deserve this dragging? This is a real question.

Wait, who this slow-ass muhfucka calling “retarded?”

That photo is hilarious!

The former president’s club seems to be nice thing. They share candy. What’s going to shared at Trump’s funeral?

She will. But the shade she gave “that dude” today was legendary.

Since the Goebbels Channel was also carrying the McCain funeral feed, you just know Putin’s Bitch was sitting there watching as he seethed at the coverage on someone else. I’m sure the shriveled walnut that passes for a “brain” in Trump’s skull was spinning out of control from pure envy.

I’m 6'2 and if I’m ever giving a woman a hug from the side (I don’t unless she initiates it), my arm goes around her shoulder. No risk of grabbing anything private. The around the waste thing is for significant others or someone you’re involved with, not strangers or acquaintances.

Meghan McCain began: “We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness. The real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who lived lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and served.”

Of course, I’m not saying that Ariana Grande shouldn’t have had so many people upset for her. Just that black women and girls should get it, too.”

My brother is 6' 6", and I’ve never seen him in person or in photos doing a reach-around-boob-grope like this, and he has had female friends who are much shorter. Shoulders are the standard, because he isn’t a skeevy, entitled shit.

Today was the first time that DC has been decent since the Obamas left office. 

He’s salty whenever he can’t be the center of attention. Even at his own father’s funeral after his siblings spoke about their father, he still tried to make it all about him.

If Trump feels McCain is getting too much attention and upstaging him, he should feel free to join him.

I’m quite short for a man so it’s not something I’ve experienced but if you’re a lot taller than the person you’re trying to embrace wouldn't the shoulders be the natural place? I'm not a fan of hugs myself and I can’t imagine how bad it would be if I had to worry it was a prelude to assault. I did have an elderly

If Jesus ever came back these so called Christians would hang a sign round his neck that said “Libtard” and burn him alive for being a brown, socialist Jew.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the truth is that he raped this lady and she stayed silent to keep her job.

The resemblance is uncanny, I mean just look at the eyes and nose... they each have two and one of each respectively.

Somehow I find the term “love child” wholly misleading for any situation regarding Trump.