
There’s also no shame in buying a car instead of lifestyle vehicle.

4th gear. My family completely agrees that we need better air filtration systems on cars.  Or maybe manual roll down windows at the least.

The district even spent $199,000 on hiring AlphaRoute

See you never read stories like this from Alabama or Mississippi.

Seconded. I’m GenX and I lived in fear that an uncle would buy one of these and I’d have to hear him talking about it.

If I wanted one of these, this would probably be the one. I still think it’s priced a little too high.

Hiring more drivers was probably the first thing the consultants recommended. The second thing should have been telling them not to waste money on consultants for a problem that has a pretty obvious solution. 

Couldn't that $199,000 be used to hire a few more drivers? 

Gen Xer here. This has not, nor has it ever been a Gen X vehicle. Nor was the PT Cruiser, the last Thunderbird, or any of the other retro designs from the late 90s and early 2000s. They were targeted squarely at late Silent generation and early Boomers who could taste the nostalgia.

You introduced the question I was wondering as I read the article...

Speaking as someone who does superficially similar field work in Texas, what he really needs to do is to talk to his supervisor about getting access to university vehicles. The importance of this cannot be understated - looking official opens a lot of doors at field sites that would otherwise be 100% closed if you

Cybertruck is on it’s 2nd generation now. Right?

Hah... so it is! That is not what I meant. It looks like just the top portion opens and is more forward and the lower would be a tailgate.  It looks weird is what I want to say.

Pre-Pandemic I would have been inclined to agree with you, but the inflation of the last 2 years has pushed car prices way up. A new Escalade already costs over $100k and it is Cadillac’s best seller.

Yawn. I thought this was supposed to be futuristic. Wake me up when they replace the windshield with a screen.

If it was closer in size to the X7, it wouldn’t be an Escalade. I think Caddy will eventually make an electric XT6, which is more X7-sized. You don’t buy an Escalade because you want something small. You buy it for zero-compromises 3 row size. The rear seat in an X7 is strictly for kids. 

It is about time someone made a full size EV SUV.

inefficient how?  it’s got a 450 mile range so that’s pretty good for an EV.  It took a 200kWh battery to do that, so I guess that’s sort of inefficient...  But this has no competitors at its size class.

Wow, this is so much better looking than the ICE Escalade both inside and out - kudos to GM for finally designing an attractive full-size SUV. It is too bad that it is fucking huge and will likely be inefficient due to the weight because if it were closer in size to an X7, I would give it a legitimate consideration.

Here, here.

On average, in the summertime, my house uses about 61 kWH / day in the summer time, and about 15 kWH / day in the winter (air conditioning is rough). So a typical EV battery would be able to power my entire house from 1-several days in the event of a power outage. Seems like a great idea.