
Honestly, the higher mileage shocked me. From 70k to 120k is insane.

But also, aside from people who don’t own a car, you can be a person who is too old to drive or someone with a disability. Or oh wait none of that really matters to you because fuck those people.

Making dozens of modern sensors all work together also has its own challenges...

My next-door neighbor is a violent alcoholic. I wish he was dead.

I guarantee you I’m more stunned that this is deemed newsworthy by anyone than this spoiled sport was when they saw a CEL come on after 6 months of owning a new car.

HOT TAKE: A lot of these are not normal cars. 

I lived down the road from a guy who had way more junk piled up in his yard. He was a really nice neighbor so I thought no more of it.

So you DO understand that am insurance company is not you government, and therefore NO RIGHTS ARE IMPACTED!

Yeah, I don’t think it’s the Corvair. The Corvair looks nice enough it could pass as a running vehicle if all that other ---t was gone.

I imagine that he picked things up a bit before the local news arrived. So his driveway and yard probably usually look even worse. 

It’s not that it’s messy, it’s that it’s a fire hazard.

If you watch the linked video of the interview, dude has PILES of tires in his yard. The video also had two large black trash bags in it, which leads me to believe he probably did some clean up before the video crew showed up.

Unrelated - but why aren’t more news site talking about all the prototypes Fisker revealed last night? Been trying to learn more about them and can’t find anything online outside of C&D, it’s bizarre order to capture any type of visual image, sound recording, or other physical impression of the plaintiff engaging in a private, personal, or familial activity...

Nobody (that includes businesses such as insurance providers) needs your consent to fly over your house and look in your yard. It’s only illegal to do so with the purpose of being a peeping tom

Just shut up, bozo.

it was between “bozo” and “pinecone” for this guy. I’ve used bozo in this thread twice now, and every response he posts I feel more at peace with my choice

Okay, fine. Don’t have a good day, ruin it for yourself and get yourself worked up because some hoarder lost his homeowners insurance.

We are only able to see the outside too. Can’t imagine what the inside looks like

Nobody needs a warrant to fly a drone over property in California. Are you the homeowner? Is that why you’re so butthurt about this? Clean up your trash dude.