
Project, or “project”? Looks like the latter. Too many damn hoarders in the hobby already, either wrench it, drive it, or sell it. No more hoarding it.

If this guy was my neighbor, I would love to have an HOA.

100% Agreed. I read the title was prepared to be mad at the insurance company, but after seeing the photo, I get it.

I kinda feel like if you widened the frame of this photo, it would show him arguing with one of the people from the “Hoarders” TV show about why he really needs to keep three dozen ruined engine blocks, kids’ bikes for kids he doesn’t have, and 7-8 tons of scrap metal.

To be fair, from the one picture I see of his driveway, he does have an unreasonable amount of debris all over the place. The insurance company basically acted as the HOA here (which I normally despise), this guy’s driveway looks like a hoarders junkyard with enough space to fit a car between the piles of trash.

Just looking at that picture, I’d say that there are much larger issues spread all around his house than his Corvair restoration project.

The new Beetle was a really, really big deal in 1998. People were absolutely clamoring for these things. Like them or not, they carried the spirit of the original forward and everyone, young and old, went nuts for it. This compelled almost every automaker to climb onto the retro bandwagon, quickly turning it into a

Flying? Love it. Airlines? Hate them... except their pilots. Those folks are worth their weight in gold when nonsense like this comes up.

Naturally this story raises my anxiety a bit for travel when I realize that the ATC at some places I go can’t hold a candle to the folks we have here, which would raise the odds of

Volkswagen absolutely nailed retro with the New Beetle

The article tells you what they make now, it starts at $18/hr and grows to $32/hr. They also get good profit sharing checks most years. UAW workers also pay pretty much $0 towards their healthcare, which is quite a value for the worker.

The mention of Talladega Nights being released on this day 17 years ago made me realize how much I miss seeing Michael Clark Duncan in movies.

Smart negotiation on their part. Especially pulling out the CEO pay argument.

Aside from what was already mentioned, I’m gonna put my vote in for the PT Cruiser:

Labor is only one input of many factors in car pricing but I’m sure you know that already.

IMO, the Ford Flex is a retro version of a 1970s I-H Travelall, right down to the white roof.

I don’t hate a lot of the retro designs, but I also don’t love them either. But, the Ford GT looks amazing.

Plymouth Prowler

2006 Lamborghini Miura Concept

The Dodge Challenger is the correct answer.  

The Challenger hands down. Sure it’s alot bigger than it’s elder, but they captured the look extremely well. I wanted to say the new countach, but that’s a little too modern looking in respects to the old one and they didn’t even include the wing.