
That’s not what the show is about, though.

I may be in the minority here but a lot of these hits feel like they should have flags thrown for dumbasses leading with their helmets. Most of these are not form tackling, just leading with your head, trying to knock a motherfucker out.

Someday, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me.”

Only in rookie ball and single-A do they use the DH. In AA & AAA, pitchers hit.

Not only that, but a minor-league baseball stadium that is only active for, say, 5 months out of the year?

Wait, what the fuck is so wrong with Richard Painter? He fucking sued Trump and ran as a democrat after renouncing the GOP. What more do we want from Republicans?

Well that, and the fact he threw the team doctor and training staff all the way under the bus. That same staff that gets roasted every time a player gets injured, so I don’t know what narrative anyone is supposed to take from that other than if Bennett was white, everyone that’s not a sports writer or Jason Wilde (who

I’m a white guy, I’d get jail time.

Ah, yes, the whole “white after labor day” affair will result in riots and jail time, I’m sure.

Hey, fuck you, I’ll wear what I please, Mr. Dockers.

Oh, jfc, fuck the fans. No one gives a shit about “the fans” so why start now. None of this is about “the fans”, Brian.

Let me guess - millennials, amirite?

They did for two seasons, I mean for the better part of a decade. And they’re both pieces of shit.

Could Warren Sapp and Ray Lewis have survived being on the same team? Either way, both of these assholes are in the HOF and I can’t think of two people less deserving of that honor.

Just by simply not being David Stern does not make one a “good guy”. Everyone assumes he was a good guy after the Donald Sterling thing but no.

“Such commoner food, this is just delightful! How much does one of these ‘hot dogs’ cost, Adam, $200?”

...did we ever stop being excited about the USWNT, because I haven’t.

But I like Breaking Bad...

Wha, wha, WHAT?! You’ve got to be kidding me!

Going off the idea of Jon Lester, I actually used timehop for a year or two and damn was that ever enlightening to see the stupid shit I’ve tweeted in the past. I started on twitter in the summer of ‘09 so I was like, 25/26 or so. Well past the age of saying sexist, racist, or homophobic shit for a young, white male.