
Not sure what you count as “normal,” but I’m 6' and my knees are often crushed if I don’t notice the person in front of me reclining. I’m able to adjust and straighten my legs under their seat to avoid that, but their reclining absolutely impacts the legroom of the person behind them.

normal person with below-average sense of smell here.

You sound like a very kind, compassionate human being.

or get rid of a president who issues nuclear threats on twitter

Psst! *looks around, leans in* None of this is supposed to accomplish anything. He’s just trying to look busy and important until the whole thing blows over

Jesus Christ is it 1993 still? Hasn’t this “link” been debunked numerous times by now, if I recall right, if anything violent games act as more of a release for pent up aggression. But by all means, lets point fingers at pointless topics to obfuscate the real issue. I’m so sick of all this #winning...


What about it do you think is a plot hole? The fact that nobody’s ever tried it before? It’s a desperation tactic that sacrifices a capital ship. The Rebels/Resistance never had them in enough numbers to be able to make the tactic viable (one of the major points in the movie is that Leia’s not dumb enough to fight a

Nah. All this whining about TLJ is coming from folks who realize they look a lot more like the baddies and don’t want to be bothered with introspection.

A lotta shit always was, people are just waking up to it now.

Because the targets of racism have a louder voice today then they did in the past so it’s harder for people who don’t care about the targets of racism to ignore them.

Imitating an accent for the sake of treating another culture as a joke is probably racist. But apparently this meme keeps going with explicitly racist jokes. So.

Yes, I’m sure a YouTube video with an unrelated “angry feminist” meme in the thumbnail will have a very reasoned approach to racism.

Because being a considerate, decent human being is a thing in the past when you have the internet as a mirror and a toxicity motivator through common anonymity.

“Pretending to be dominant over another race” is not the definition of racism.

1. Since it became adopted by the alt right and used heavily in their memes.
2. Because it is relevant to the article. It’s difficult to discuss racism without actually using an example or two.

By and large, People against The Last Jedi are dumb. 

“It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.” - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Because I genuinely don’t care about what’s intended and never will. Games are possibility spaces; what matters isn’t what a developer planned but rather what can be achieved or accomplished. They made their game; we’re the ones playing it. Besides, you lose nothing if someone decides to skip Darker Side except some