
The shooting is minimal and very forgiving. As previously mentioned, one player can carry those scenes easily.

My wife and I (we celebrated our 10-year last week) played through this together side-by-side and had a very fun time. She doesn’t play a lot of cruchy or hardcore games, and FPS give her pretty bad vertigo, so though we both love video games there isn’t a lot we play together all the time. This was perfect for us!

That’s the process I followed but I can’t get mine to mesh at all. I tried setting either one as the primary node, neither will join the other. I’ve tried wiring them together, going over a switch, etc. No dice.

>Capcom has addressed a few things in game updates over the past month. Xbox One matchmaking, which was sketchy at launch, has been fixed

Bullshit. The only way I can join an online session is if I narrow the focus and manually tweak until their system starts recognizing that I’m looking for a game. If I just hit

“We heard that you hated the time limit on the nightfall and we... uh... sort of listened. A little. Okay, so we didn’t listen at all, but hey look, a new mechanic that drains the fun out of a challenge!”

Bungie: Innovating failure

Now playing

That HAWP joke about “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfarm” is getting more and more likely every day.

Time is a flat circle.

Oh, did I say time? I meant the Mercury map for Curse of Osiris. It’s just a flat, uninteresting, small circle.

Bungo refuses to have a different balance for PVP and PVE, so I doubt this will happen. The two different modes are forever tied in balance because something something game vision something something we know best.

If Prometheus Lens was broken maybe they should break more guns, because last weekend was the most fun I’ve had in the crucible since D1 Iron Banner. This OP weapon that basically everyone had made us all change tactics and added a lot of risk to the stale PVP of D2, it was a blast.

This isn’t a retheme/reskin of GoT, though the writer’s hasty writing might lead one to believe that.

If you had actually played the GoT board game and read the FFG release for Battle for Rogugan, you’d immediately realize they’re vastly different games with very different mechanics. Your blurb makes it seem like a reskin; it’s not. How sloppy.