Setting aside the facts that:
Setting aside the facts that:
No, no. You see, this is why libertarians support gun rights. If the conflicting rights of two libertarians meet in the woods, they duel it out. The person who dies obviously has an inferior right, which is proven by the fact that if he died. If his right was better, he’d have lived, you see. It all makes perfect…
He could’ve broken a hip!
I think a smart Republican operative would advise against ever overturning Roe because it’s an easy issue to get the rubes to the polls. Let’s face it, a very large, reliable constituency exists within the Republican Party that only cares about overturning Roe. Why would you ever, ever give up those voters, when…
Cliff Notes Version Of The Batshit Article:
It looks to me like they took her head/face from one photo and sloppily attempted to copy it over to an entirely separate photo of her body.
I hate the internet because there’s always some fuckwad who doesn’t know what they’re talking about but once challenged on their fuckwadedness, will pop up to repeat themselves ad infinitum because as soon as someone contradicts them on the internet, they now have to “win” the conversation. This thread is a classic…
You literally said “That makes this more significant than if it was a Psychologist that they reached out to.”. That, on top of the multiple paragraphs you typed, in multiple comments above, clearly indicates that you feel that psychiatrists are somehow more trustworthy (else, why would their opinion be more…
Your analogy doesn’t stand up because it makes an exceptionally bizarre comparison between a licensed psychologist, who has completed both secondary and graduate education, plus an internship, with a message therapist, which as far as I know is an associates degree (at best) and no internship. There is no analog…
No, that would be an obvious straw man, put up to support some dumbass “Not being completely sexist means that the State is coming to steal your hard-earned wealth” argument.
Holy fucking shit - this is the problem. NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU. That you’ve had a shitty life doesn’t mean shit - sorry if someone made you believe that it did. White men IN GENERAL have greater privilege than women or POC IN GENERAL. Yes, a rich black woman probably has more opportunity in her life than a…
A Psychologist would most likely have completed a PhD program and internship in order to practice. A Psychiatrist would most likely have completed medical school and an internship to practice.
Resurrecting the dead is more of a “Doctor of Divinity” thing. A Master of Divinity could probably put together 30,000 words on the History of Resurrection, however.
Vast sums of money + lots of free time = some pretty batshit, solipsistic ideas
I’m sure they’ll hatch some sort of plan to pull together the funds.
I suspect the joke is always on you...
The GOP is the party that controls both houses of government, the Presidency, the Supreme Court, and most governorships in the US, and yet still somehow regularly pulls out the “we’re being victimized and subjugating by the LIBRUL DEEPSTATE” bullshit at every opportunity. Do you really doubt that they could abolish…
The CEO of the company that I work for was unhappy with the number of negative Glassdoor reviews we were receiving from current and former employees. So, he added a mandatory requirement to our company’s management training “academy” that, in order to successfully “pass” the “academy” people had to post a review to…