I’ve always loved this one:
I’ve always loved this one:
My favorite line on Sports Night:
Does Joe Bob still include important information in his reviews like how many decapitations or bare boobs are in the film? Teenage me always appreciated that.
My favorite joke at the time was the reveal that one of Carver’s henchman was a Bill Gates knockoff who proudly confessed his new operating system was full of new bugs.
Anyone else notice how much the villain looks and dresses like iPod-era Steve Jobs?
Has Lord Buckethead taken over that role more recently?
I knew this would be comment number one.
You mean Mrs. Crandall?
Irony woulda been served had the ad been for KFC or McDonald’s.
Sir, this is an Arby’s
“Here at Tim Horton's, we use only the finest curd on our poutine...."
Triggered! By a commercial for Kraft Dinner.
No offense to the late Ms. Rand
You guessed it.
Listen to the words of a much better hero...
No offense to the late Ms. Rand, but after the book asked who John Galt was about five times, I said “gosh, I don’t really care” and stopped reading.
i am...frank stallone. wait, am i doing this right?
My pro-self-interest philosophy includes avoiding fans of Ayn Rand.
ugh, now the fireworks factory is going to spend 70 pages talking.
I want to see a show about Mr. Beauregard. Maybe pair him with a nice family and a washed-up sportscaster.