
Comedy at 10? It’s about say that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself and that Jim Spanfeller is an herb.

And they had the audacity to think that people would want to watch their wedding on pay-per-view. $14.95 for three hours of late stage capitalism is really not much of a better buy than a WWE event.

Bookmarking this and all of you are getting a follow from me (@insert_funny).

The reason I even found this place was because Cold Pizza wasn’t airing one day and I wanted to know why.

Is anyone left to throw this piece out and replace it with one on Jim Spanfeller?

What are the best candies to stress eat while waiting for your VC boss to fire you?

Never live long enough to see your childhood heroes portrayed by a clump of fecal matter that’s gained sentience.

Never forget that. Well, unless you’re Chidi

The universe as a whole is still completely shitbananas crazy, but seeing the Browns game back at the one throwgasm level just feels right.

Which is the bigger crash of 2019: AB as a Raider, or the AAF?

Goddammit, just take your star and get out of here.

And to think, everybody and their executive producer reassured us that the move to Disney wouldn’t have any impact on the show’s biting political satire.

Start with booze. Trust me, it helps.

With all these accusations flying around, I’ve noticed that Elmo has been conspicuous in his silence. Is he too traumatized? I mean, she was all up in him.

Guys, what if Left Shark wasn’t just screwing up her Super Bowl performance?

I wasn’t intending to be an ageist asshole; it just didn’t make sense to me given that the demographic the channel was hotly pursuing at the time was 18-34 year olds. I should have made that more clear in my initial post.

Good gravy: the entirely of the MTV News department in 1999 was three middle-aged white men pushing 50 while trying desperately not to look it and Serena Altschul.

That’s it; burn everything down. Fox, Disney, Hulu, Washington, Tokyo, Cleveland...torch it all.

Cutting the cord is starting to look better and better.