
Yeah, it's interesting…I actually have a British-Indian uncle who voted Leave because he thought not being in the EU would make it easier for Asians to get in the UK.

Is the Mieville book on the revolution supposed to be fiction or non-fiction? I'm curious enough that I'm going to pick it up anyway, but I'd be more interested if it was the former.

Playoffs are better than no playoffs, but the PL has a completely balanced schedule so they don't really need playoffs to have a clean champion the way that American leagues do. Kind of like how the Big 12 reintroducing the championship game is a bit stupid.

Eh, I still find the FBS to have one of the worst postseason systems of pretty much any sport.

I'm not gonna make any predictions, but the dynamics of an incumbent election are really different from an open seat one. If a recession or any bad scandals happen over the next four years, he's getting the blame.

Honestly, I don't think this is her fault primarily. But I think in a lot of ways, she was just the wrong candidate for the moment, and she also had a lot of advantages over Trump which those other candidates didn't. I can't really say if Bernie was the correct alternative, but I think a more open primary could've

I like her and I supported her since the beginning, but she lost to Donald Trump. She was a shitty candidate.

There's no way that it's less popular the NHL, MLS, or EPL. Purely anecdotal, but on my campus, I've seen way more MLB gear than NHL or MLS stuff. I also wouldn't be surprised if MLB does better than the college sports at my school and we're supposed to be good at both most years.

So, I have no problem with OBJ showing emotion, and it's unreasonable to expect football players to be completely stoic on the field.

Maybe there'll one day be an Indian main character. Especially considering the demographics of the UK.

Aren't Iranian and Persian the same thing? Or did I miss the joke?

People do have a wide variety of interests they choose to vote on… Like, why would I vote for a Democrat if I believe that they're gonna go to hell for supporting abortion? Why should the poor guy in coal country vote for the party that wants to advance other energy sources which which will make coal even more

Are ratings really that bad?

I agree and disagree with you. At this point, ignoring Trump would be ridiculous, but this cycle's also made me believe that the media's not as powerful as we think it is. Since Trump announced, I really can't think of a single time there's been favorable coverage of him. (I don't watch Fox News, but their debate

The morality police of the Republican Party doesn't like him though… They support Carson. If they had their way, Trump would be out.

Bidets > Toilet Paper

Will we get season 1 reviews ever?

It would've made more sense if she lost Wisconsin and won Minnesota.

I thought Scalped was being developed by WGN?

I thought this was an A episode other than the Marcus stuff. I really don't get that and why he's there.