
I swear that Austin and Ally is on Disney Channel. Or at least that's what commercials during Gravity Falls told me.

I think Javier Rodriguez is replacing him.

Better than most ABC sitcoms

Best episode of the season imo. The Master/Mistress reveal was awesome, even if it was predictable. It didn't really feel that padded to me. Really excited to see how this turns out next week.

The plot wasn't as good as Halloween I, but this was definitely the funniest episode of the season so far. Honestly, I think it was for the better that it didn't get dragged down in the season's arcs.

Agree. Though they did lampshade it a bit last episode with Holt and Terry's conversation, and we seem to be getting an arc based around that drug.

I feel like one of the reason's that Waid's DD works so well is because it's such a contrast from Miller/Bendis/Brubaker. Without them, you can't have the "Matt trying to be optimistic" theme.

I swear Bendis has just created about 20 new X-Men.

I really how their axing some unnecessary secret identity and superhero vs cops drama by making Joe a secret keeper. It's also really going to be interesting to see if they're going to be able to do Grodd well. The CGI's been good so far for a network show, but Grodd seems like he'd be complex.

That's a long preview…

From what I understand, none of Fox's comedies are actually doing well, right? New Girl has sinking ratings, Mindy and 99 never had great ratings, and Mulaney's initial episodes were panned by critics. (Though I guess I should probably wait to see it to judge). I feel like I'm forgetting another Fox comedy though…

I always enjoy badass Boyle. Reminded me of that episode where he had confidence because of the engagement.

Yeah I agree with that (the drive into the lake thing was a bit over the top) and their is a decline from Seasons 2 and 3. I feel S4 Office is like where Parks & Rec is today, still worth watching and pretty funny but definitely not the height of the show.

I have to disagree with all the people saying the show went downhill after this. I thought that S4 was pretty high quality, even the hour long episodes (Fun Run and Money have always been favorites of mine). To me, the decline really didn't start until S5,

I always felt like the silent credits added kind of an emptiness and tension to some of the episodes (Hot Girl and Casino Night are the first ones I can think of) that kind of reminded me of the tone of the UK version.

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