My favorite item on the menu is James Joyce’s Moist Oysters
My favorite item on the menu is James Joyce’s Moist Oysters
Former IT professional here and these are the top ones I used to get:
Maybe of Theilen was just half a step faster on his route, his quarterback wouldn’t have overthrown him.
I had a wonderful meal but they made me pay for it????
The triangular piece of equipment is worn by players to keep batted or thrown balls from hitting them in ... ummm, let’s just say a place where guys really don’t want to be hit.
Easterbrook’s been pushing this for years. Good to see Deadspin catching on.
This team is engineered specifically to collapse so spectacularly that I will be surprised if they don’t create a singularity in the process.
Is that like a beer? If so, then yes!
Uh oh, she may never play the sax again.
Agreed 100%. In the mid 90s when the Green Bay got good again the Packers flags, apparel, and all of that other crap started coming out of the woodwork. This was expected for people living north of the Cheddar Curtain but worse than that, the Green and Yellow garbage started infesting into Northern Illinois and…
Brent Spiner put himself into cryosleep right after Independence Day for just this occasion.
Dr. Wolfe should have been in more than just one episode.
You would think the full fire of the Phoenix force would burn away all the hair product.
Chuck Norris is 31 years older than me. Crud.
One of the first things Rahm did when he got elected was to start a fight with CPS teachers and he even said “Teachers got the goldmine and the students got the shaft.” And for that he can fuck right the fuck off forever.