He could be a vivacious reader.
He could be a vivacious reader.
It would be cool if it swore like Q*Bert.
You shut your lying mouth!
Carolyn Meadows: Hold my money bag filled with many Russian rubles.
Monsters Inc. has sexier characters than Zootopia? Come on, John Oliver, stop kidding yourself.
I want to read that story.
If you thought Starkiller Base was huge, just wait until you see Starkiller Base II.
Striker, Striker, Striker, Striker, Striker!
Wow, Hollywood Upstairs Medical College will take just about anyone these days.
Hey Steve,
Good show, old man. And to that may I add that he turned a man named Suh into a boy named Suh and he... uh... made Hekker his spell checker...
That’s a pretty stiff shot.
Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day, I can tell you!
I can’t remember the stories very well but I remember thinking the idea of having IG-88 work his way into Death Star 2 was terribad. Bossk’s story was also awful because he wasn’t even the main character of it. We got nothing about his thoughts or anything; he was just a secondary character to the author’s Mary Sue…
I thought MCU’s Captain America was a better take on Superman than Snyder’s Superman.
Interestingly enough, the story isn’t “fake” though there certainly is more to it than was initially reported.
My mother-in-law suffered from Alzheimer’s before she died and would keep picking at a particular spot on her forehead. Obviously Trump is doing something like that too.
I’m just spitballing here, but new team names for Washington: