
The Spider-Man theme is so good you can even sing it to Edelweiss.

Those hamberders sure must have been delicious.

Can you believe that there was two doinks?

“You should wait untill your potty mouth trained” is actually a pretty decent line. Unfortunately, he didn’t use the correct homophone.  


Hey I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating chicken fingers. 

Well yeah but at least Corey Wootton ended Bret Favre’s career and has a long neck to boot. 

In Cutler’s and Flacco’s defense, if they move then the defensive player can clobber them. 

I’ve seen plenty of cock puppet theater in my day. I’ve seen the Rooster, Squirrel on a Trampoline, the Birdbath, the Brain, and the Wristwatch, and probably several others that I can’t think of off the top of my head. But I can say with complete 100% certainty that I am pretty sure that I’ve never seen a guy tie his

Don’t forget about Megaforce!

Maybe he’s only just mostly dead.

Is Jeremy Sprinkle Annie’s son?

I just don’t want to see how the sausage is getting made. 

A home brewing friend years ago (when home brewing just started to gain traction) made a batch of Christmas beer that was a porter with a little peppermint and essence of pine added.  It tasted like a Christmas tree and I loved it, though I was one of the few people who appreciated it. 

“Did someone just say hookers and fentanyl ?” 

I thought McCain flipped when Trump acted like a dickbag after her father died.  Did she flip back to pro-dickbag? 

Now playing

Sure, when Cutler swears he’s being a sourpuss but when Eddie Munster Jr. swears at the King of Queens cosplayer, it’s because he’s got gumption! Double standard!

Bad Local Commercial

Ha ha! My Mike McCarthy voodoo doll is working!