
Ties in football are awesome.

Is that the one that went to Sims and he lost a yard?  Don’t throw it to Sims anymore, everyone. Throw it to Josh Bellamy before you throw it to Sims. 

hey, does everyone know that the Eagles ran a trick play at the Super Bowl and they called it the Philly Special?  

Ooh, the Fuck Tomb.  Sounds like fun. 

Man, Jesse James sure was robbed.


I like Maron, I like his podcast a lot and I like him in GLOW but I’m just kind of OK with his standup work. Isn’t that kind of like telling McCarty that you love him in Wings but are meh on the Beatles? 

It is the return of Greenzo and I am happy.

I think you mean “The Tastefully Named Gregg Williams.”

“Airbud rules.” Pfft, in my day we called it the Francis the Field Goal Kicking Mule rule.

I almost forgot that the Lions have TJ Bang on their roster. 

Remember when OJ was doing commentary?

Good for Rivers for getting paid to play football and he seems like he really enjoys what he’s doing. But he is so goofy out there.  He is truly the most GIF-able player in the sport today. 


The only thing worse than a Wisconsin Packer fan is a Northern Illinois Packer fan.

If this email went to Savage Love instead of Drew, Savage would probably respond with just five letters: DTMFA.