I know you want to masturbate to Elsa, but you should just let it go.
I know you want to masturbate to Elsa, but you should just let it go.
“Is it just me, or does Mrs. Incredible kind of look like Anastasia in ‘Fifty Shades of Grey?’ You know, the girl in the Red Room, with the whips and all?”
The machines will rise up against us because we’re forcing them to watch thousands of hours of Olive Garden commercials.
Thanks for referencing something from the Joe Schmo Show about Kristen Wiig getting a head injury but not linking it or showing the video or something so that those of us who have never seen the show and don’t know what you’re talking about still don’t understand the reference.
I like saying “poopy,” as in “Aw lookit the cute poopy!” It only really works on certain dogs though. Great Danes, St. Bernards, and German Shepherds can’t be poopies.
Jerry Angelo just saw this video and got very excited.
I was gonna say that! Sunumarbitch!
Lobo! Lobo! Bring back Sheriff Lobo!
I watched the first few seasons of 21 Jump Street in high school and liked it then but I missed Booker because I was stationed overseas when it aired. I did catch one episode that one of my buddies had on tape with a mystery about a “black widow” bride. At the end there’s a twist where it’s the husband trying to set…
How did they get Jim Shorts commentating for that? Wow.
Duke University? More like David Duke, amiright?
Now I want to see a movie where a slacker-type monster makes a half assed attempt to smash Albany or Peoria and then leaves for naptime.
The Rock could do it. He’s not currently involved in any film franchises right now, is he?
Glad to see you are all for the Second Amendment. Tell me which well regulated militia you are a part of. ;-)
Somehow I missed Iron Eagle II when it was in the theaters but I saw it while I was in the Army, in AIT at Fort Gordon, on some guard duty that had a bunch of us sitting in a shack for no real reason.