insensate gobbet of suppurating meat

Hi there — there were some typos, and I’ve fixed them. And I always appreciate being told where they are if I’ve goofed. So please just let me know if you see a problem and where that problem is (my email is always at the bottom of my posts), and I’ll take care of it.

He doesn’t have crazy eyes. He mugs for the camera because he is trying to pretend he’s not a soulless asshole.

“The commenters outside looked from feminist to troll, and from troll to feminist, and from feminist to troll again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

You can blame Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake for the perpetual line up of YAWN at every Superbowl halftime show for the past decade. Titties corrupt, and famous titties corrupt absolutely.

Coldplay is milquetoast U2. I really think they’re retch-worthy.

I think the brain damaged ones in this scenario would be Charlie Sheen and Brett Rossi. Who doesn’t disclose their HIV status? Who decides, AFTER the big reveal, to have lots of unprotected sex and make a baby?

Coldplay is playing the Super Bowl

Clearly her favorite son is Scott

Ha ha ha, “willpower.” I used to just buy cans of premade vanilla cream cheese frosting at the grocery on Bad Days and eat that shit with a spoon. :(

Because paper cups and bags and corn- or sugarcane-based plastic bags and utensils break down in the [damp, microbe-laden] landfills. Because large amounts of toilet tissue break down in the [wet, microbe-laden] sewers. Because bathroom signs often say “do not flush PADS.” Because the disposal bins in commercial

For many years, I thought they were safe to flush. Why?

I celebrate this entire thread of responses. You are fighting the good fight. Never change.

You know it just occurred to me — some of those little built-in bins I’ve seen said “SANITARY NAPKIN DISPOSAL” on the lid. Which, by leaving out “and tampon,” leads everyone to assume that the correct thing to do with tampons is flush them.

Like it’s easy to kinda assume a tampon would break down or fall apart in toilet/pipe/sewer conditions — it’s just a wad of white fluffy stuff. But pads are all HEY HERE’S SOME LEAKPROOF PLASTIC LINING AND THEN SOME MORE PLASTIC and ....? That’d be like flushing half a diaper. :|

I’d stopped for lunch at a riverside restaurant whose owner was famous for her pies. I was looking forward to a slice or two after my meal. Sadly, it was not to be. As I ate my lunch, I watched a drain in the floor slowly back up and spread water over the restaurant floor. A similar flood came from the ladies’ room. A

also this is SO CUTE

First of all, who are these monsters who flush paper towels down the toilet?

You will not believe how many plumbers I’ve had to call because of stopped up toilets, only to discover someone flushed an overnight pad down the toilet. Pad-flushers, stop. You are embarrassing me.

Thank you for the new wallpaper for my work computer!

oh my fucking god everyone I KNOW WHAT ITS CALLED and it in itself is not gross but that fucking phrase is,. The word dribble is inherently not great.