@chotai: All of the colors are slightly different. It's probably a different camera.
@chotai: All of the colors are slightly different. It's probably a different camera.
@akuma_619: So, you refuse to update your hardware, but you demand new software? I'm sorry, but anything made after 2006 can pretty much run Windows 7. IF you want to stick to a 2001 PC and XP, go ahead. I don't have a problem with that. Just don't expect all the new stuff. Technology moves fast, you can't expect it…
@akuma_619: Do you know what sucks? You always piss off someone, no matter what you do. On one hand, you have people complaining, rightfully so, that MS is keeping XP on life support too long and it's itme to move on. Then we have you, who refuses to give up a 9 year old operating system, but you want the new features…
@Jason Potter: Yeah, they also missed Microsoft's growth, anti-trust, and rebirth.
@Anonymoose: You really think they would be banned?
@beanperry: You know what Windows' biggest problem is? The users.
@dtptampa: Of course some things we were better off without (mustard gas), but its a necessary evil.
@dtptampa: I completely agree. I mean, who needed steel except to kill people better than your enemy back in ancient times? Nobody, they were happy with their rocks. Military tech as driven technology since the dawn of human time.
@Credomane: What? Microsoft isn't a non profit organization dedicated to human rights and environmental protection? I'm shocked!
@acj540: Damnit, I always forget my /sarcasm tag
I'm sure he was serious since he replied to the winning answer "good answer"
@justagigilo85: posted 10 hours ago via cellphone
@catsmeatpotterpirbright: I'm not seeing it. Did they fail because they came up with it before Google, or did they fail because they didn't implement it? You sound like you have this burning hatred for anything Microsoft does, so it really makes no sense why you're saying it's a Microsoft failed.
@dallasmay: None of the milling machines I work with can read a .skp file, especially the CNCs.
@MGO_Count: How about this, we all pool our money and pay for the cost of the manufacturing plants, the R&D costs, the other countless expenses of any large company, health insurance, pensions, salaries, and THEN we can pay $400 per TV.
@alucardbomb: I know, right? I wish people just kept their mouth shut about problems. The San Bruno gas leak was reported to the gas company, who did nothing about it. It could only have been better if they said nothing and waited for it to explode, right?
@☆Giroro G66☆: Their profit margins are certainly greener.
@cowboybebopfan: I want to know this too. Air Video only does video though, and only to iOS devices. This looks promising. (and Air video sometimes stops, starts streaming fuzzy video, and then at some point may revert back to clearer video).
@dallasmay: I've tried Sketchup, it's decent. But it's nowhere near the level of Autodesk Inventor. You can make a couple boxes, maybe a desk with Sketchup. But you can make a fully featured engine, complete with animations and all. The price is actually not bad for Autodesk stuff if you do it for a living. It's so…
@dallasmay: What's the free, open source equivalent of Autodesk Inventor 2010?