Insecure Penguin

Bunny sex tape.

@Teclys: I remember that article too.

@el_vato30066001: You're handing off individual responsibility to the FDA. I don't know what's in my food. If I was that concerned, I would check, and I would buy food that didn't have those things. Yes, I expect food to be reasonably safe and I expect standards, but I can't demand that someone else check everything

@el_vato30066001: If you're worried about a drug being unsafe, don't take it. If you want to see the results 30 years later, go ahead, wait 30 years. Nobody is forcing you to take these drugs.

@KamWrex: You can't sit on a drug for 30 years before releasing it. I just read an article about a cancer drug that is so much more effective than chemo, but it has yet to be approved for the market by the FDA. Do you want people to sit around for 15 years waiting to see the results while they're dying and suffering?

@James: I don't know what is rabbit and what is the front bumper.

Now it's underground. Everybody wins.

Who made this call? "Hey guys, let's start a PR disaster because, y'know, why shouldn't a cell phone carrier have a stance on marijuana?"

@SkiBum1207: I did. The things that man did to the horse were terrible.

@ILikeKubrick: I must of missed that because I was looking at those fucking beautiful hardwood floors. I mean, I would sell my grandmother for those.

Suck on that nature! DARPA is finding out all your secrets.

@jbboehr: It's really goddamn fast.

@eipxen: Anything that helps you live to reproductive age and produce offspring will be rewarded with a the chance to mate with a female.

@DoubtedBeef: Those were just examples of why things would have the X prize or be the X Games or w/e

@DoubtedBeef: eXtreme Prize? Extremely fuel efficent, extremely deep, extreme games...

@Glaiel-Gamer: I think that works differently in humans, since you're not going to see a mouse forgoing mating season to finish his TPS reports.

@bslayerw: Well, almost all of the chips are sold at a lower clockspeed than their full potential (hence the ability to overclock, some better than others). They do this so they can develop a high power chip, pick a lower multiplier, and sell it cheaper without the development costs of slower chips.

@Sluiced: It's not possible to save the entire number, given that there's less than a googol electrons in the universe, and and even a computer that could use individual electrons to store each digit wouldn't have enough space.