Tech Belcher

It really is a great soundtrack, because even the most popular of songs never feel like the obvious choice for the moment, but still end up being the perfect one. There's never anything about the song selection in episodes that makes me feel like they were just throwing in their favourites from the decade, every

I truly hope so. I mean, how quick was she to jump onto the idea that there was a fake Supergirl running around a few episodes back? It seems like she's just sitting in the background, waiting to pounce with the information.

How dare you correct a fellow Canadian on their French?

We're lucky we can blame our parents for any fashion faux pas that we may have taken part in at the time.

The 90's would not have been kind to your fashion sensibilities.

More Cat and Kara scenes, please, this episode reminded me of all the things I love about them.

Way more slowly, which probably has to do with him being the protagonist. You could continue to make excuses for him for at least two seasons before you realized you were making excuses for a monster. Chuck doesn't even reach Walter's level of terrible deeds, but he was very easy to hate the moment he made that call

The episode was in general, but you're right to point out the montage especially. John Shiban did some great work.

I've never watched a character who I immediately grew to hate so fervently once their true colours were revealed. This show did a damn good job with the bait and switch of his character.

And then Full Frontal with Samantha Bee to take the edge off.

At first I thought they meant he was getting the role of Olaf, having momentarily forgotten about NPH, and that was my exact reaction. It really helped soften the blow for the truth.

I'd say that you'd think Jimmy would have rubbed that in his face already in the show, but he's also not a terrible person like Chuck and I are. So if it's the case, Jimmy, in his current state, is definitely a much better person than I am.

He was indeed a superb Mickey Doyle.

Chuck is probably not a Darren Aronofsky fan.

That last shot in the cold open was just glorious. I want it as my background.

That was a clever way of getting around Mara's hairstyle change, and one that actually adds so much to the scene by making them go the Claire-combo route. It was a very well done and thought-out dream sequence.

She did get significantly more interesting. But it might be because I could actually understand her finally.

Because he's a brooding, sexy adult now.

I'm so jealous, SilentSpy, I want to murder you!