Tech Belcher


Disagree that Hale is better than Sasha. Aria's reaction to everything is to stare around in doe-eyed wonder, as is Hale's go-to for her entire career so far. Pieterse actually emotes, and being better than 3 of the main 4-5 girls does indeed constitute being better than most of the cast. Benson can cry on cue but

KSI was just cliché after cliché, with random unnecessary scenes and terrible pacing issues. Hiddleston's introduction alone would have had me walking out of the theatre if it weren't for my being there with someone who enjoys such garbage.

"Hey, girl, let's have fun in this casual, occasional hook-up… girl, why aren't you taking this relationship seriously?"

I trust you, 3 years later and I couldn't give a rat's ass about this show, the baby's gender, or anyone who watches this show's baby's gender.

Clearly I was. His story is rinsed and repeated and without the proper consequences they make all their female villains go through, a hundred times over in Regina's case. But this was two years ago and idgaf, dude. Enjoy your dissenting opinion years later.

You're welcome! Hopefully the several dozen shows already mentioned and thoroughy discussed in this comment thread by many commenters will also help you this quest of knowledge in finding the white whale you seek, because you've apparently somehow managed to avoid or failed to notice this overused cliche of empowered

That was only one question, and it can be answered by reading the article posted and realizing that some of those "many" are some of the writers and showrunners being discussed or referred to here.

That's easily my biggest pet peeve of the game so far. Also, the auto-mapping for the roads when you have a trader is kind of nice, but I wouldn't mind some flexibility to actually choose the one/way you want. I mean, the reason I'm getting this trader is to build roads between my cities, I don't want it cutting

But why are SO many of the quotes Mark Twain? They got lazy as hell this game. Did appreciate Monty Python, but they pulled far too many times from Twain's Goodreads page.

I was just re-watching this past season for the first time all the way through, and maybe it's because I was high on dabs, but it managed to still delight me as much as some of the older seasons. Episodes like "The Dentist's Wife", "Stan-Dan Deliver", and the Noah's Arc twofer, fill me with so much hope that this show

Does it bomb as badly in your day-to-day as it did here?

I toooootally forgot about Birdman. But an exception can definitely be made for a movie that's all about getting off on how great filmmaking and Hollywood is, that's for sure. At least it wasn't another boring, safe win.

Lately it's been because they're the somewhat boring, conservative third choice made to deflect from having to pick between two more deserving favourites.

I have little to say or add, but I was mesmerized the whole time.

Samantha Bee's trying, okay? But she's only got one show a week to do it.

It was not. Perhaps some context would have eased what seems like a miscalculation on a character level from the writers.

Feels more like a retcon to me, honestly. And another attempt at the show using a very weak justification for drama when they should be (and usually are (or were)) better than that. Considering that, Jay's unexplained shitty attitude towards people doing their jobs, and the idea that the "bitch, please" thing would be

Yes, yes, Scarface and all that. Perhaps they should have picked a quote that better represented their characters, rather than trying to bend them to the will of a pop culture quote when it all but waves away the character progression for the sake of an easy joke.

Yes, which is perhaps why Quinn, whose whole character is about getting and maintaining power, would prioritize it over the tangible aspects when tattooing it on her body. Sorry, there's just no justifications for this that are gonna appease me, it seems like they've wildly missed the mark on their own characters with