Tech Belcher

I watched with a friend of mine who is Scottish, and she assured me that, no, no such an accent exists in Ireland (where it was supposed to originate) or anywhere else, for that matter. It was horrible, I felt like I needed closed captioning. They were smart to get rid of it later on.

This season has been pretty good, yeah. It's been pretty consistent and has managed some good plots so far. Lots of Bullock, too. My only complaint is that they haven't given Francine all that much to do lately, which is such a shame.

He doesn't, your brilliance stands alone.

Are you trying to imply that the Supreme Leader of North Korea doesn't wait his turn?

That is indeed the correct order of Toms in order of tolerability, Officer. Well done.

This whole season is about how Frank and Claire are clearly stronger together, I fear this reviewer may be in for a bumpy ride if that's flying over his head.

I also kind of assumed that a sitting head of state would kind of get shot up the priority list when it comes to organ donations.

There were a few episodes in the middle, 46-47 I think, that included some fantasy sequences during one of Frank's monologue, as if those need to get anymore dramatic, while the other had the dude dealing with the data centre rocking out to music shirtless for no discernible reason, and I had to clutch my chest both

Nah, Zack's still looking great to me.

Rapists generally are, right? They're certainly not anti-rape.

Oooh! The knives! The knives!

Easy: let it build slowly until manifests into acts of physical violence.

The stuff about Dr. Luke isn't. Her legal issues very much keep her from leaving her brand and recording with other artists. Keep up. Or just fuck off. We'd all be okay with that one, too.

Do you think that as a short, anxious bisexual broad, I have a better or worse chance at stopping him?

I think if she could do that, she would. Unfortunately, this whole legal case thing is getting in the way of such endeavours.

Again, you could find information of at least one of the other women who has spoken out specifically against Dr. Luke's behaviour while working with him, if you bothered to read the articles you were posting on. And it doesn't mean nothing, it adds support to claims against his character, which is evidently low. The

When did I say that? Fuck off and stop pretending like you want to engage with this, or, at the very fucking least, read the articles and comments you post on/reply to.

The fact that we share blood wouldn't negate the years worth of rumours about his awful behaviour, the creepy pictures of his artists he posts, and the women who have spoken out against him recently. Why would it? What a ridiculous reason to choose a side when there's so much said about him to despise. That would make

My thoughts would be: "Wow, my brother is a piece of shit."

Yeah, but his craziness wasn't revealed until well after he was elected, and he was promptly booted out and treated as a national disgrace.