Tech Belcher

It's actually originally a Japanese show, the Brits stole it, too.

It was ridiculous of her to stick up for gay rights and a dead man while her husband bent over for a a man who's all but a dictator? She acts like she has a backbone.

He didn't give her a cushy position, she had to beg for it and then he took it back. And it is boxing when you've been training alongside them while waiting for your own chance to get in the ring.

Oh, good. I thought you were alluding something you weren't. My bad entirely.

Oh, it's horrific. But so far, Trump is all talk because he's not actually a politician. Those other Republican candidates have a history to back up their terrible law enacting ways. There's no "moderate" candidate to pick from, which is what Louis alludes to when he says that it's time to "balance things out" with a

Frank also led her to believe that's what would happen. That she would sacrifice her career to help his, they would get there and he would give her a position so she could jumpstart her own. And he technically can give her more than he does, but he has things like opinion polls and colleagues to worry about when he

Come on, guy. You don't have to be a dick because you're ahead. Even suggesting you know something is being a dick and you should know it.

I could see that. Mostly, I don't think he really thinks of them at all beyond numbers at the voting booths. He's more worried about getting good programs going and passing good bills to make himself look good, but it's not as if that doesn't affect them for the better than a president who's just trying to get his

I really don't read it that way. I absolutely think Claire likes the idea of kids, but that she's pragmatic enough to realize she doesn't want to be a mother. That doesn't mean she doesn't have maternal instincts and inclinations, you can see it when she reaches out for Megan, when she helps out Russo's kids, and

When Ellen Burstyn and Kevin Spacey were in the entryway swapping insults, I literally said to my friend, "Now this is what I fucking signed up for." It's the exact moment that I allowed myself to actually relax, because it seemed like this show was back on track again.

I do like that they've gone the way of not having children – not only would it drag the show a bit with unneeded family drama, but it's nice to see a couple that doesn't need kids to validate their being together. Frank obviously dislikes them more, and shows few leanings of paternal behaviour outside of teasing his

I disagree.

Oh, I totally agree! They have their soft spots, they're not total monsters lacking empathy. But they're still willing to throw people under the bus if they need to – it's just harder with some than others and that's crucial to show that they're not total caricatures. Claire has a bit in season two after she sees

While I don't think Frank wishes particular harm on people in general, especially his constituents, I also don't think he really cares about them all that much. I will agree that he does occasionally give a damn and show basic human decency in regards to suffering and loss – "She was seventeen, Linda," Frank

Claire also helped get Frank to his rise to the top while receiving none of the titles and power for herself. Hell, her family funded his first campaign, he literally wouldn't be here without her. This season seems to show her realizing she has to take what she wants because she can't or won't be given it, despite all

Frank has positive goals outside of himself and his own rise to power?

I'm sure it comforts her greatly when I say that she still has me when it comes to people who still have crushes on her.

I want people to wake up to the fact that Donald Trump isn't an outlier in the Republican party. CK included.

It doesn't matter if they're inspired in the way you're describing or not! They don't get the presidency just because they don't have the head of state as the representative of their side when they already control far more than half of the political system between congress and the senate. They've been PLENTY inspired

They have their representation whether they feel inspired or not, CK can't act as if it doesn't count just because it's not the head of state. There's no "balance" when you're trying to say that it's time for one party to control almost all the political branches in the system just because he thinks it's their turn