Tech Belcher

Feel free, but I'm not sure what else I can say without repeating myself even more. I understand the intent this show might have been going for but I don't think they lived up to that, especially in regards to Gus' character. I truly can't wrap my head around the idea that Gus getting that kiss in the end isn't a

Yes, I understand that. But Mickey's an ugly person who owned up to at least a little bit of her shittiness by the end, Gus is not. They still ended up in the same place. Again, it's just bad narrative storytelling. They can't just say Gus has learned a lesson when throughout the season it seems to be that he gets a

They're definitely far too focused on their villain of the week, as many of these shows are. What's the point in even trying to make three dimensional if you're going to continue to shove them into one dimensional storylines over and over again? Give them an episode to react to the crazy shit happening in their lives

I would keep Lucy around, so Cat could occasionally comment about how much prettier she is than her sister. That would pretty much be the extent of her contribution to the show, though.

We are the same, you and I.

I would definitely say so.

Right. So is this show trying to subvert that or be that? Because giving conflicting messages isn't being "ambiguous", it's being "a lazy writer". The kiss is played off with nice music and a cut to black with no other word to be given in the immediate future as far as they knew, I mean, is that not a tacit

Yes, I don't really care for Rust/Gus, nor the handwaving away of his shittiness by this show's narrative. Or by those who claim that because his wife works on the show alongside him that he didn't absolutely get his wish fulfillment in the casting department of the show, making its very core relationship strained

I disagree very much.

Finale Talk

You got that exactly right.

I don't see why his wife writing for the show seems to make people think it would cancel out Apatow pushing for the bros to get all the hot girls they want, as they often do in his productions.


Benoist is very pretty when she smiles, we don't need this many excuses to see it. Their relationship is indeed far too milquetoast.

If we wrote this show, I'm pretty sure Cat would have a good 40% of all screentime and dialogue. And I, for one, would love to live in that world.

I really should amend my statement: Cat, and primarily her interactions with Kara, are the reason I watch. Flockhart and Benoist are just wonderful to watch together, and their moments together on the show, whether comical or serious, often feel like Supergirl at its very best. They really do much more with their

Can we at least agree to cut back like 50% of the Winn reaction shots? I don't need to see Jeremy Jordan do a "Jim face" at every single turn.

Not enough Calista Flockhart.

God, anything to give that dude some semblance of a personality. Or, at least out of show so unnecessarily often.

*Spoilers For Those Who Care*