Tech Belcher

It's not Mickey is attractive and therefore out of his league. It's that there's nothing at all to put him in her league in the first place, and her attractiveness just exacerbates that fact. Even if she didn't look like Gillian Jacobs, Mickey would be out of Gus' league because he's such a little shit with so few

They seem to confuse being self-aware with subverting.

If they actually did something to subvert those conventions, it could make for a great show. By the end of the season, however, none of it seems all that intentional. It just seems like wish-fulfillment and lazy creative choices. At least, to me.

See, I think that might be what they're trying to go for, and perhaps even what they intended to show at some point in the process, but when they all but constantly reward Gus for his shitty behaviour with multiple girls and boosts in his career(/keeping it at all near the end), it kind of subverts whatever point they

Could that possibly be because it's his show? And he's the one making these choices behind the camera?

It's not progressive to continue using that old trope in shows, either, especially with a complete lack of self-awareness. If they want to stop being called out for it, maybe they could avoid hiring gorgeous girls to play all of their female characters, especially when they're going to be pairing them up with

Gooch is the only one up now and doesn't seem to know what happened, he said he'll ask the other mods when they're up in a few hours. Might have just been a mistake during the different bouts of spam during the night.

Fooooooor sure, Uncle.

Well, at least they got deleted before whoever could get there.

I see someone typing. Why don't people listen to you?

Fefe Dobson had a hidden track on her debut album that I absolutely adored. I was totally obsessed with that album as a 12 year-old.

Don't worry, I'm playing the world's smallest violin for all the poor men here to show my solidarity for them and their inability to read the articles they bemoan. Not all old-fashioned things are going out of style, Pops.

A lot of the AV Club is snark for the sake of snark. So, unless they're actually giving reasons instead and arguments instead of just making disparaging comments, there's a good chance they're just ambivalent at the most.

That's almost word for word what I said when they came out with the Wii.

You guys can make all the jokes you want, I'm totally excited for this and what it could mean for gaming if properly utilized. That said, I'm also quite lazy so I don't know if I'll ever be able to totally give up a controller gaming.

Do you say the same thing about the wage imbalance? That a B- is pretty good so why bother striving for that A?

That's all but what they're implying about the guy who wrote this article and the people who collected this data, so, sure, might as well turn the tables on them on the easiest way. They do seem like they need some Midol.

Could be! Neither of the sets are in the eShop and that seems like their ultimate goal, to make the games accessible across platforms as Nintendo moves on to new hardware. The Platinum eras are definitely in line first, the Crystal eras farther back in the timeline and so possibly more profitable to bring back for

I think it's been established that they're going to stick to the trend of alternating between releasing updated versions of the old games, and continuations to the series. Which is probably for the best to keep them from going creatively bankrupt, while allowing them to spice up some fantastic entries in their series

Meh, the guy I'm seeing and I play all the time. He kicks my ass routinely in Super Smash Bros. because he has a Wii U and plays it constantly, while I floor him in Pokémon by just having more general knowledge of the types in the game, even though (and really, because) he tries to stack his legendaries from the Bank