Tech Belcher

Really? Feels like more than that, but it's probably because I have Alpha Sapphire fresh in my mind, and the fact that there was N in White & Black, who was a puppet leader.

Well, I imagine it could be pretty easy if you worked at it and had the Pokémon Bank to get you some good ones, but, still. Mad man.

Team Ethics, Team Gaming Journalism.

If they're going with just one, then that would be a good bet. But they've stuck pretty close to the idea of having two dueling teams inside the game, who are usually fighting each other and you. And they already had a Team Galactic, so there goes that name.

Sounds like a blast!

I'm also hoping for a package deal, I could really use a new system. And since they're using cover plates to make the changes easy, it would seem a little stupid not to when it's their big 2-0. Gotta milk that for all you can.

Are we gonna have another antagonist that makes us face the morally dubious position of claiming to love Pokémon while alternately keeping them locked up for use when we need to fight them to their near-death?

I also want to try an all-water team sometime.

Well, you can only ask so much from a game that was that old.

Red has no right to be traumatized, unless it's because he killed Gary's Raticate.

I guess I grade on a relative curve, considering how long the show's been on, but Chardee MacDennis, Dee Made a Smut Film, Suburbs, Falls out the Window, The Trial of the Century, this one. Not bad for this late in the game.

Four words of snark and all the guys in the thread start crying sexism? The AV Club used to be less of a boilerplate than this, but now four words can make the dudes cry for days when they don't like the data presented before them. The article very clearly states the studios are to blame and that they can fix it, just

Wow, Oak has some badass Pokémon. But two water types, Professor? That's just sloppy team building.

Blue: Venusaur, Aerodactyl, Mewtwo, Lapras, Jolteon and Moltres.
Yellow: Pikachu, Pidgeot, Dragonite, Flareon, Snorlax, and Mew (wasn't that the best, most abstract glitch to get the random encounter?).


Oh, wow, another person who actually picked Bulbasaur! The guy I'm seeing recently gave me shit for it when I admitted as such. I LIKE MY GRASS TYPES. I know it was never the best choice for those first few generations, where good water and fire Pokémon could be few and far between while decent grass types were

I KNOW. To actually get eight more badges, face an elite four, AND Red? I couldn't believe it. Let alone all the thought they put into changing the area around, bringing back some old favourites and shifting others around, all the little easter eggs comments about the first generation. It was the first time I really

I know! Going back it's crazy that I ever nearly ran out a high quality set of Duracell batteries while playing.

When I was a kid, I had the special Yellow Gameboy Colour system that came with the original Yellow version. Fuck, I loved having Pikachu following me, slowly learning to hate me less and less despite the fact that I was forcing him to fight to exhaustion every day.

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