Tech Belcher

In what respects do you think Gus has a vast well of knowledge? Outside of his little hobby group and his spec script, he doesn't seem to be that good at… anything. He's not even all that good at his job as a tutor from what we've seen. Just because he's a geek doesn't mean he's a smart one.

I can only comment on this site via my Disqus account, whenever I try to sign into my AV Club one, it tells me I have to activate my account before I sign in. Which I did years ago. I assume it's some BS with Disqus integration, but I kind of feel like there should should be some button to send that activation again,

I guess it all depends on how you get hit/what the plot calls for at the current moment.

We are definitely much more passive aggressive than people seem to realize, we're just also the grin and bear it types who will help out anyway. Unless it comes to invading Iraq.

There's a stereotype about us being smart? Are you sure it's not just a stereotype about us, you know, not being American, allowing you to draw your own conclusions as to what negatives that might entail?

There's ten minutes worth of footage of them sitting down writing the song, followed by fifty minutes of them explaining the ins and outs of what's happening while other people do their work for them in the background.

Thank you for putting to words what I could not. My regular verbiage seems absent presently after being confronted with this confounding scenario.

There was a debate about a similar situation in Jessica Jones and the conclusion was that getting smacked around is all well and good, but a good hit to the head will cause your brain to smash against the inside of your skull and render you unconscious.

Bethesda's Pete Hines: 'Another publisher would be spitting out Skyrim 2 a year later.'

I was lucky enough to not come into too many major quest-ruining bugs in my Skyrim playthrough, despite getting it first day for my PS3, but, yeah, Bethesda needs to invest more heavily into their product testing department before their releases. There are always some very major fuck ups right away that can really

"–I mean, I cannot give you that information. I totally know it. Great programming done here. Unbelievable technology. There definitely isn't a DEO computer programmer hiding behind that curtain, speaking into a microphone while she looks up what few facts we've gathered about your – OUR history. Ha. Haha. Don't make

But she gets to see her mommy again! So, she provides the usefulness of simulated love via infrequently sharing knowledge in an emotionless voice.

Like I said, I wish they would stop with the forced namedropping, they're fine when they're better written or more believable. As cute as Facinelli/Lord is, JLaw seems like she would have better taste than that jackass who's ten years too old for her. They are some of her best snark moments, so it is hard to deny them

Well, those are just rumours, there's a 99% chance they're not true. And since the developers have taken to calling the next installment "Skyrim 2", there's also a good that they'll actually try to follow-up the events happening there a little more closely than their installments usually do. And Valenwood would make

I truly adore Cat Grant, but god, I wish they would write better lines for her. Almost every pop culture reference she makes is so cringeworthy, especially tonight's JLaw shoutout ("Again."). Thankfully, Calista can nail the regular Cat Grant verbiage wonderfully, not to mention those deeper scenes, so it balances

I truly adore Cat Grant, but god, I wish they would write better lines for her. Almost every pop culture reference she makes is so cringeworthy, especially tonight's JLaw shoutout ("Again."). Thankfully, Calista can nail the regular Cat Grant verbiage wonderfully, not to mention those deeper scenes, so it balances

I don't think I'm ready for that jelly. At least not until I get to read more scenes!

Me too! I mean, it'd be cool to go in the totally opposite direction art-wise, seeing all the swamps and whatnot, but I'm hoping we get to go after the Thalmor a little more. I hate those fuckers even more!

They've announced one, don't worry! Argonia (apparently, some think Valenwood as it would be easier to continue the plot from Skyrim to focus on the Thalmor) in 2019 (is what they're aiming for)! So. Very. Long. Away.

I just so very much enjoy nit-picky crap like decorating homes in such epic RPGs, displaying all of the things I've collected. It's part of the fun, dammit, personalization and all that.