Tech Belcher

We got you with a fake story and background for a nice family friendly film, eh? Take that!

Apparently this thing made $3.3 million here. This is also the first I'm hearing of it.

I imagine he'll be back for at least an episode or two, if only to wrap things up with his storyline/his relationship with Rachel.

Europe would be cool, but I think too far away to make the jump. You wouldn't have any of the familiar factions and faces we've seen before. I think Canada would be great so we could learn more about the annexation and uprisings and slave trading that's happening now. Besides, they've mentioned once or twice in the

This is some exciting shit. I'm hoping that one of the next expansions explores New York or even Canada would be great.

He really used her to make himself famous, she was more than set at that point.

FX seems happy to promote American Horror Story, Louie and Justified, while Always Sunny and The Americans seem to be treated like redheaded stepchildren. I imagine the FXX move only made it more difficult for the former.

Maybe It's Always Sunny would have a chance at a nomination at the very least if it only had to compete against The Big Bang Theory and similar dreck. The prestige comedy thing has kind killed its spot when the award show people seem to feel required to acknowledge CBS sitcoms.

Hmm… that doesn't seem right… but you are the scientician…

That "can buy furs and houses" tweet tickled me something fierce. And transported me back to a simpler time when people only needed furs and land to be happy.

I ship them platonically and romantically. They seem great for each other on every level. Unfortunately, this ship was never destined to sail.

Not enough Mail Robot, but I'm still incredibly excited for this.

Their relationship is just so refreshingly wonderful to watch play out on screen. It's probably my favourite aspect of the whole show, and, yes, it makes that much more painful to remember we'll be watching the inevitable end of whatever remains of Jimmy.

I will double down on your comment and throw in Kim Wexler as well. I'm quite a fan.

Him? What, is he funny or something?

Apparently it's up on his website and on Tidal.

I couldn't stick out Outlander despite my desperate want to be included in such a popular fandom amongst my irl friends. Unfortunately I didn't make it past three episodes due to a variety of reasons, most of which centred around that horrifically overused narration (which I'm told got better as the series went on).

I picked up Fallout 4 again after the patch so I could FINALLY get my Benevolent Leader trophy. I usually never care about the achievements, but when I finished playing the game in December I checked it out and noticed I only had four left. Two were easily attainable, the but the last one I could get depended on the

Interesting. But that really.. doesn't add anything at all to the discussion at hand.

They don't edit out the treatment of the female characters, nor the number of them in comparison to the number of dudes on the show. Your kids just can't be trusted to handle being able to see the gays interacting on TV, obviously.