Tech Belcher

As a Canadian, I'm glad The Red Green Show is getting a gritty reboot.

A.V. Club, two things, etc.

[with a fake moustache and ridiculous Italian accent]


Oh, did you stumble upon Roosh V.'s website, too?

[small child in the audience looking up at the sky in wonder]
"Maybe Tech was actually in us all along!"

This is why you can't marry me.

It's true, they've let in a wormhole of horror with that feature.

Hey, some of us are squanchin' in here!

It does seem like the kind of thread that will make or break A.V. Club friendships.

You've learned a lesson about picking associates better, as well.

You'll find plenty of them in the Game of Thrones fandom!

That's downplaying it a bit, he's one of the biggest names in comedy today. And thanks to this show and the attention it's received, he's become quite an icon. Just because he's not stomping around with an air of entitlement doesn't mean his name doesn't hold weight, especially in the comedy world.

Oh good. I wondered how that could be true.

*Tina groan*

I believe she marries her young daughter and then goes on to refer to her as her husband, Bill.

Did she also get one of the Human Centipede movies?

Myst was something to behold. It's a game that my mom talks about to this day – she had that little booklet that came along with the game to keep track of clues, just completely filled out with everything to get right through to the end because she was obsessed. And I think it's because of that game that she doesn't

It's stunning. Like, just unbelievable how beautiful the world is. And the atmosphere they manage to create in a beautiful sunset valley is just fabulous. It might be on sale still (it was across platforms), if you're interested. Highly recommend. But it definitely does not hold your hand.

Well, to be perfectly fair to you, those are the only two indie games I've bought and it's because they were recommended to me by one of the many people who made them big hits. So they're kind of the A class of indie games, but such classes do indeed exist. I've gotten more picky about which games I buy as I get older