Tech Belcher

The Vanishing Ethan Carter is an indie game and it looks better than any game I've ever touched. The story and world are short and small, respectively, but the design is fabulous and the fact that you don't get any instructions to go on in the game leaves you to explore almost every corner, which gives you all the

This game thread seems to be the best place to mention it, given the games, so this past week I bought The Vanishing Ethan Carter for $9 in the PS Store. Jesus Christ, you guys. I know I'm way late to the party, but that fucking game. The most gorgeous, terrifying, and depressing (in that order) game I've ever played.

The actor was fine, but I found the character to be pretty one-beat. I know we're just on introductions, but he seemed incredibly forward and I expected to feel more chemistry between Melissa and her husband. Instead, I was left with the conclusion that Kara has far more chemistry with her new boyfriend's mother than

Unless I'm completely missing the point of that nervous fella in all his movies, I believe so. Whether or not people did, is another ballgame.

That kind of sounds like every overly-praised Woody Allen film out there. So, I guess the movie would have played very well, as movies featuring such a couple as you described have for almost a century now.

"Baby's On Fire" is high on my Top 25 Most Played playlist. The soundtrack is glorious.


I can agree with that.

Athlete is occasionally worthy of at least a nomination.

You likely could go back to when 12 Years was nominated and see the same people in the comment sections claiming it was only nominated because of one reason.

I don't, I meant Fall Out Boy was an outlier amongst the many of them at the time.

Considering how much ammunition they have to go after the Oscars this year (I mean, not one PoC in an acting category at all when Michael B. Jordan and Creed exist?), that did seem like an incredibly lame joke to make. And especially considering it's not true. It's been quite a few years since I've watched award show

"A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" really is just interesting to listen to, if nothing else. And if you get the many cultural references sprinkled throughout the lyrics, it's all the better. The songs are produced in a way to flow into one another, making it feel more like a musical production than a studio album.

I think with some people, especially when they're in the comedy profession, it's easier to tell if they're just making an unfortunate remark and trying to double down on it for shock laughs, and giving an opinion that's legitimately from a place of hate and ignorance. I'm not attached enough to give the guy a ton of

Worst neighbour does seem like a bit of a stretch. He has been raising their neglected kid for them lately, he's not all bad.

God, I am so desperate to know what the mail robot's been up to.

Long story short, Peele's pushing for a role in Pitch Perfect 3.

I am just desperately waiting for news on Patsy's involvement in anything at all.


This made me inordinately happy.