Tech Belcher

Yeah, unless Peele can really nail the writing and not let Tracy's general personality be the only thing that takes front and centre, this premise with Morgan's regular role being the focus seems like it would get grating pretty quickly.

I know he's filming something now with Kate Micucci and Gillian Jacobs. That's exciting.

They've been together for twelve years, something's obviously working!

Key seems to bounce around into guest roles more than Peele does. I think they have an open relationship.

It usually starts in January/February. We're getting boned this year, I tells ya.

Damn straight. And considering all the great stuff he adds to discussions, you know he's isn't totally checked out. behind the scenes

Being Executive Producer of both The Simpsons and Futurama. Just because he likely wasn't hands-on with the shows after their initial creation and beginnings, doesn't mean he'd just disappear to cash in the royalties. At least, not completely. He'd be hanging around those production offices offering creative input

You'd think the fact that this series is an anthology would do away with such problems, wouldn't you? The idea that they get a fresh slate each season (loosely connected as they may be) to try new settings for a similar theme would make things easier to explore. I'd say that since season two, they start every season

No. Drake's the only one we have outside of a few fellas from The Trailer Park Boys.

As you have yet to answer my original question in any way, shape, or form, and still have yet to deny that you don't think Trump is human garbage, I will leave you once more and once and for all with another, "Have a good day, buddy."

That's how I refer to trolls like yourself. You know, the ones who answer questions with questions. And people who seem to be denying that Donald Trump is human garbage.

Don't worry, he's not 69 years old unlike two certain Brits who are hopefully resting in peace.

You guys! It's calling me a troll! I'm finally vilified in the way I was hoping for when I started engaging in an honest discussion with someone about their obvious lack of rational comebacks to a subject that they began, who just refuses to answer anything except with more questions!

No, please answer. What would bringing up his charity work, or someone you don't know's apparent lack of charity work, at all have to do with the discussion at hand? Trump also gives money to charity, and he's human garbage. It's just a bullshit non-sequitur that adds nothing to the particular comments you're replying

What does raising money for charity have to do with not beating women?

I respect that opinion and share it to an extent. I don't think it was horrendous or anything, but you're right that it's pretty weak when compared to the score. Or choreography. Or sets. Or Laura Bell Bundy.

It was hilarious. I especially loved Yard and Walker's immediate thrill upon her putting into words just exactly what was so bad about the piece.

I can't imagine why. But I added her name to my comment so you can look her up if you'd like, she seems like a smart young gal.

The young girl who appeared on The Nightly Show panel earlier this week, Tavi Gevinson, who described the interview as feeling as if it was written by someone "who reads too many bad screenplays" was spot-on. This story gets more and more funny the more people talk about it.