Tech Belcher

You're giving me terrible, terrifying flashbacks of Cats.

Just because you were robbed of an Oscar nomination doesn't mean you have to demean yourself to this, Michael.

That alien better hang dong.

Degrassi as a franchise started about two decades earlier, for one.

*peaks up from the wheat fields to glare as a bus goes down our lone road*

I've been laughing for months at clips of PubLIZity, but for some reason the fact that Lauren Collins appears on the Degrassi spoof is what's going to push to finally watch that show. So, thank you. I'm sure I won't be sorry.

You have blown my mind, sir. That was also bothering me and that is totally it.

I had the soundtrack before they did the live show but hardly paid any attention to it until I saw how it unfolded on stage. The scene transitions and big dance numbers were just so awesome, and Laura Bell Bundy really nailed the performance.

Musical based off the movie.

Will you come on stage and join me
In this thing called matrimony?
Please say yes and do not bone me, please
Just marry meeeeeeee!

It is. And, if you're a fan of the movie and lighthearted musicals, it's a pretty good one that was horrendously underrated. Especially when you get to see the stage show, which I'm so grateful to MTV for.


We are the same, you and I.

Considering the price and accessibility of live theatre, I don't really see this argument holding much weight. Of course it's better to experience live, but very few people will be lucky enough to.

God dammit. Now I'm gonna have to watch NBC again.

You have no idea how happy I am that some of you are actually clicking. Enjoy. If I had to pick a favourite it's probably "We Quit Sugar", followed closely by "Thermomix" and "Food Porn".

Poor excuse. Bridget Reagan and her magical hair existed.

(By which I mean, yes, I did. Our movie had to be paused for a solid two minutes because I simply couldn't stop laughing and my friends were surprised that such blue joke would send me off considering my usual tastes. The man's timing and facial expressions are just so perfect.)

*tips hat towards the enthusiastic audience member as the life drains from her eyes*

"Whisper to a Scream" was my favourite episode of the series. I always wished they had followed up with the Paige and Ellie friendship, especially considering the actresses were close friends (and roommates for a time) in real life. Would have wanted to see them get together way more than Paige and Alex. And while the