Tech Belcher

I'd like to just stay friends. I'm not looking for a duck that has its life more together with a career than I do.

Yes, but I will never get to (legally) see that if it ever goes off YouTube and onto that channel properly, as I'm on the other side of the world. Possibly in ten years when some network here buys it for cheap. A web-based production company really would have been a better fit. You know, for me personally.

I have to live above them. They're right next to us. And Trump is doing well in the polls. I find the secret KGB Americans who are willing to kill whomever to complete their missions to be far less scary.

I hate that I'll keep watching it as long as Robin Wright and Molly Parker are on it.

The only victim is your pants. Did you ever think about them?

*Begins to set up a press conference talking about how Netflix can't compete with their Numa Numa Guy show and that streaming sites are a fad*

That's what you get for wearing pants while you comment on The A.V. Club.

PewDiePie with a ball gag would be a game changer for my perception of him.

Well, so far. House of Cards seems like it could be poised to be Netflix's Showtime-like mistake. Probably regardless of whether or not it can pick itself up from its nosedive.

*Simpson-style shudder*

Well, yeah, he was her manager from the beginning. Like, from when she was twelve and he was a thirty eight year-old two-time divorcee who had a son her age. It's kind of not hard to see why she would devoted to him after all those years, but the circumstances surrounding the relationship are still pretty unsettling

Despite how super creepy I found their relationship, I feel so much for those young kids, having lost their father so early. Small consolation that it wasn't unexpected, as they were preparing for this to have been his last holiday season. Terrible year so far.

Neither are on Canadian Netflix. But that's just such poor marketing on Marvel's part, especially considering they put up pretty much the rest of their universe on there. And after Agent Carter's slow start that almost lost it its second season, throwing it on a streaming site probably could have really helped its

Rooney Mara was in a John Hughes movies?

Another thing I really love about their model is something that Sense8 demonstrates quite a bit, actually, in that their episode runtimes are pretty all over the place (though within a reasonable range). Which can be frustrating as a fan when you feel like the episode ended ten minutes early, even if you have the next


Oh, it was fucking brutal to get through, I am so with you on its snail-like pacing. It's best watched via consistent binges rather than an episode a day, it simply could not hold up for me at all otherwise, despite repeated attempts. The guy I'm seeing was starting to get legitimately mad with me because he loved it

I have a Scottish friend whom I watch shows with, and she's always incredibly offended to find Happy Valley touted as a Netflix brand show. They scored a good deal with BBC.

Not only that, she beat Kirsten Dunst in Fargo for that fucking Golden Globe. I just… can't process it.