Tech Belcher

I thought it was her and Mia Wasikowska's love child.

Bloodline's intro song is incredibly on-the-nose if you make it all the way until the end. Which is clever, but will not hold the same weight in the second season.

I also live in Canada and that's no excuse for not wanting to see Matthew Rhys shout at his fake daughter about Jesus in an accent that is not his own.

Canada doesn't even have Amazon Prime, The Americans just ended up on our streaming sites last year when a new crappier-than-Netflix one when public. So I'll be needing better excuses than that.

Perhaps they're playing nice because of their relationship with Carlock and Fey, and don't want to sour them to another working relationship. Because they're probably gonna need those two to come back and give them something soon before they have another embarrassing midlife crisis press event like this.

Oh, I quite love the Marco Polo intro. I think it's gorgeous. Throat singing is not for everyone, though. I'd put it with Narcos (I described the feelings it gave me upthread a bit), which is to say I agree with your first three, and add those two as my second tier picks (can't comment on Daredevil). I prefer Bojack's

There, there. I'm sure we'll find others. We're just not meant to be.

You lucky Americans with your streaming sites that make sense. Canadian Netflix gets 30 Rock and The Office, but Parks and Rec is on one of our second-tier streaming sites with all the Amazon and FX shows for some bizarre reason.

P&R needed that six episode first season to work some things out. The second season started with a gay penguin wedding.

Even if I was planning on bringing my eighteenth century fainting couch, smelling salts, and pearls to clutch, to help me get through it?

We would not make good friends.

Slow? BORING?! They're engaging in Cold War espionage in every single episode. Just because there aren't a ton of explosions doesn't mean there's not anything happening. It's so fucking engaging, I think I'd shut down if someone said that criticism to my face. I truly can't comprehend it.

You, sir, are the real hero of today.

One of my favourite background gags from back when Family Guy was in its infancy and still enjoyable, was when they walk into NBC and there's a sign outside that says: "We Used to Have Seinfeld, Remember?"

The song can elevate an intro exponentially. Especially an original one like that.

The most frustrating thing about The Americans and the fact that it's hard to get someone else watching it, is that they just don't know how wrong they are for putting anything above finding a way to view this show. For some reason, some people don't seem to appreciate when I tell them how amazing it is that a show


No doot aboot it. And Canada could just super use the revenue right now. We're slowly bleeding out despite being rich in resources because of oil prices and the fact that the Conservatives put all their eggs in that particular basket for a decade.

I just assumed it's because you're cheap.