Tech Belcher

Again, strongly disagree. Jost has been butchering Weekend Update for years, not to mention the show itself as co-head writer until he finally stepped down, while Armisen brought the world Portlandia.


I strongly disagree, as Colin Jost exists and proves your point invalid.

I really don't know what he "does" to women, so forgive me if he's truly a monster, but I just remember reading an interview near the time of their divorce and saying he's not "AS bad as Cosby" is a tiny understatement. From what is sounded like, he's just an overeager idiot who doesn't realize he has commitment and

I'd take eleven seasons of Armisen repeats over most of the cast now.

But put him in a room with Amy Poehler, please.

If they dislike him as a person, I guess I could see it because I know nothing of him outside of his work and a wee bit about his breakup with Moss. But Portlandia rewatches still catch me off guard with how fantastic it is sometimes. And his performances are obviously such a huge part of that.

Hornblower was a helluva character.

Is it because he was a crappy husband to Elisabeth Moss? Because she's a Scientologist and he's admitted he was an ass and that's why they ended it quickly, so I feel like he gets a pass on that.

Did Portlandia shoot The AV Club's father or something? Is that what happened to O'Neal?

Then I sure hope you never, ever serve on a jury if that's all it takes.

That Jodi stuff is easily explained by the fact that Steven and Brendan spent the night together at the bonfire, probably talking about things that happened that day. Not exactly damning. In any way or form. Nor does his getting a bandaid for a cut on his finger after having worked in his autoshop all day, seem all

Agreed. They do manage to get some good things out of those interviews every once in awhile, like the Weekend at Bernie Sander's thing that was pretty perfect.


I watched through most of season two and couldn't stick it out, unfortunately. Patti was great, and Helen McCrory's expanded role was wonderful to watch because she was magnificent, but the show itself couldn't hold me when it focused on pretty much any of its male characters outside of Victor. I didn't dislike Josh

I really wish I could have stuck it out with this show. Eva Green is just so transfixing to watch. But, ugh, almost everything else outside of Frankenstein. At least they were smart enough to finally do away with Billie Piper's atrocious accent, I look forward to reading where her character goes even if I'm not

You'd have to ask this fella, who seems to be the world's leading expert in blood transfer. According to him, there's no way the blood in the vehicle came from the test tube. Because reasons. He's read as much in articles and comments about the show he didn't finish watching, you see, so he knows a thing or two.

"I used to think masturbation meant chewing your food… I don't think that anymore."

People generally lose their accents when they sing because their throat opens up so much so as not to allow it, hence why Adele sounds like Eliza Doolittle's pre-transformation when she talks, but post-transformation when she sings. The Proclaimers are very proud to not be included in this phenomenon.

The 100 gets significantly better a little in the beginning, and significantly in the second half of season two, if you haven't gotten there and are still semi-interested. I was actually shocked at how much better it got. I really went in with zero expectations, had those met several times over in the first season