Tech Belcher

When he said that some deep down part of him hopes Avery actually is guilty, I couldn't help but agree.

Same. I also have a crush on Angenette Levy, the reporter who gave the great incredulous faces when talking about Kratz and Kachinsky in the press briefings. Every time I saw her I thought it was Constance Zimmer in her House of Cards role.

"Well, Uncle Steve, should we take her car to the crusher?"
"Nah, Brendon. Instead, let's take it thirty yards past the crusher and cover it up with some branches and shit. We've got to somehow spotlessly clean up all of this blood in-between our junk and take her bones from fire pit to fire pit, we don't got time for

"These throw pillows will really help your homophobic ass to see what all the fuss is about with that Orange is the New Straight show."

He seems to indulge his writers/correspondents far too much, I don't think he knows how to say no to them yet. And if he doesn't learn soon, it definitely won't get better.

Oh, I think Loki was a fine. I just think that other executives are taking the wrong lesson from the character's success, which I believe is mostly given because of the actor's great portrayal. It's not his being a tortured villain that necessarily earned him such a following in the Marvel fandom, it was how damn

Them selling only one of their shows to CBS seems like such a fuck up that will snowball later on. I know the CW passed, but DC really should have pushed them more so as to get Supergirl on the same network as the rest of their popular shows. They seem ridiculously shortsighted and also seem to be taking all the wrong

I could take this comment more seriously if you were actually adding something to the conversation. You're kind of just pulling out exaggerated comparisons and occasionally throwing around an insult, much like the trolls do. And I truly believe you're better than that.

Len Kachinsky is like a caricature he's so obtuse to how he's viewed and what he's done. Even after the courts went after him in the show he still seemed totally oblivious as to what, exactly, he had done wrong. Even now when he's admitted to making mistakes in the case, he's not at all understanding of just what a

Listen, everyone at The AV Club is almost always masturbating, so there's no need to state it. It's just assumed.

And, in this particular case, almost all sides of the prosecution other than the totally oblivious Len Kachinsky, refused to participate in it in any way. How can it not be one-sided if the other side refuses to partake?

Tangentially related: We often discuss the strengths and weaknesses of The Nightly Show, and while no one can seem to agree on whether or not they like the panels, can we agree that Larry's timing and his writers' room in general needs some work? His lingering for applause on half-decent jokes that could have been

No, but you seem to believe that it's simply impossible for blood to be transferred. If so, those poorly done tests that the state used as evidence would be totally pointless in their existence.

But not a very good one, and I think you know that. They are apple and orange comparisons between people of authority (or claiming it in Zimmerman's case) using the law to murder children, which they admit to killing whether they were found innocent or not, and a poor man who was railroaded by the state for eighteen

So we can only be mad all things, regardless of the circumstances surrounding them, or nothing at all?

[slightly louder and with more purpose as if to provoke more of a response]

Guess this one is a nut job then. 'Cause why bother testing for EDTA at all if it's simply impossible to transfer blood from a viable sample in a test tube to any kind of surface, right? And I'm sure that the fact that an analytical chemist said you need to test all of the samples in order to get the prosecution's


Bless you, @SeinfeldQuoteGenerator:disqus.