Tech Belcher

I forgot this case hinged on my understanding of blood work. I guess I should ignore the featured scientists with their degrees and just start reading some comments and articles about a show on the internet so I can be more well-informed about said show and the trial it covers, without putting in the effort to

But, remember, it fell off a bookshelf when that was moved and the key magically floated to a position under some slippers, landing in a perfectly displayed condition underneath.

So, it's simply not true because you say so, based on comments and articles you've read, while ignoring the ones that state otherwise. Got it.

I thought you quit watching this propaganda halfway through, which would have been only around the time this evidence was introduced and talked about (and where a lab employee admitted the broken seals weren't their own doing). It wasn't until episodes near the end that the sketchy, rushed testing to deal with how

*Simpson-style shudder*

Is the UK branch of Cartoon Network suggesting that bigots would be more okay with same-sex scenes if they had better couches?

I thought so upon seeing stills, that it looked relatively generic with its human characters especially, but those are in no way encapsulating the beautiful animation and background scenes that fill the show. It's one of the prettiest cartoons I've ever seen.

Between Bowie's death and this wonderful write up, I've made also it a point to actually watch this show, instead of catching the occasional episode, for this very reason. I'm about ten episodes in (as opposed to the thirteen I've just caught) and I'm just loving it.

8 in sponge years is like 32 and ½ in people years.

I see few no people here shouting that he should immediately be exonerated. I see many people on this site demanding he be given a new and fair trial, as his and his nephew's were handled so poorly and with so much interference that their convictions were all but guaranteed regardless of the evidence shown. As was the

When he waved away Brendan's cousin for "choosing to lie on the stand" after she admitted to giving a false report due to the media influence, her own confusion, and basically just her want for attention during a tumultuous time for her family – I almost lost it. That girl was fifteen years old and incredibly brave to

Bird law is not governed by reason, but I'm willing to bet he could go toe-to-toe and come out the victor.

It can definitely be two things.

I fail to see anything that would make that film interesting, but as he's already worked with his wife, I'm sure he can give her a good performance on and off camera.

This really added a lot to the discussion at hand.


I can agree that it was a well-shot action movie, with an interesting monster storyline to boot. It's a shame that the script couldn't match the camerawork and visual effects.

That's been acknowledged. It's not an excuse to phone it in when few others in the film did in such a major way as Mr. Taylor-Johnson.

I don't understand how anyone could displace Teller. Though, when you're just shown a picture and don't get a hint of their personality, I guess I could see it.

Bridget Reagan is a master of hair porn. In all shades and colours.